No Longer a Daughter

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The door was opened and "Farmer John."

He had a long-full look and his eyes were wide. At first it was obvious that words were stuck in his throat before he simply uttered, "Miss Ella. It's your father miss. He took ill on the road. He's passed on, miss. He's...gone." Ella's stature and frame was rigid in stun. "In the end, he spoke only of you miss. And your mother. I was instructed to give you each these." He gave Ella a branch, one that had withered leaves. Ella reached for it and looked down, only the branch mattered. Then he looked at me, and handed me a leather bound book, with clearly worn at the pages and edges. I felt tears coming to my eyes, but I faintly hear my mother say we are ruined from behind me.

Ella turned slowly to see my mother. She held the branch close. My mother goes on, dramatics of how will we live, as Ella's father had been the one making money. It was quiet as my mother left and Ella slowly turned and stammered out a 'thank you' to farmer John. After that I don't really hear what is going on around me. Ella said something then shut the door.

It then hits me. I have lost 2 fathers. One, my birth father, who was around for seven years, in and out with work. And now, my sister's father, who was kind and though he was also out a lot, was more present than my own father, sending letters and such.

I finally let a few tears fall as I lean on my sister. Ella slowly fell to the floor, leaning on the door. The branch being held like it was the most fragile important thing. I sat next to her and leaned on her shoulder, trying to stop crying. After all, it was her father. She knew him more than I, and she was his daughter. I couldn't possibly be more hurt than her right now, so maybe, this was my turn to be the strong one. We both cried to sleep though.

The next morning, mother dismissed the household. Ella gave tearful goodbyes and I just hugged, hating the word 'goodbye' more and more. I thought we were like servants before, but no. Before Ella's father...was no longer here... our treatment was closer to a dream compared to now. Now we are slaves.

Mother made me give up any of my 'nicer' clothing for thin, cold, and in most cases, dirty clothes that were closer to rags that were patched together. Ella and I were left to do all the work. From laundry, to cooking, to cleaning, to helping with my 'mother's' shoes...though that was Ella as I didn't understand how her shoes were done.

'Mother' claimed this distracted us from grief and they were more than willing to provide distraction. However, I no longer saw her as my mother, just as she no longer saw me as a daughter, if she ever truly did at all. Of course, Ella and I did what we could to have courage and be kind. When I give my word, I mean it. We are keeping that promise together. 

We were unable, or rather, not allowed, to eat until all the work was done. Typically by then my stomach was growling and it was hard for me to do anything. And what we got were scraps, which I guess was better than nothing. Besides each other, all we had in the way of friends or company, were the mice. Who, after Ella introduced me to, were my friends too. They were preferable to my 'mother' and blood 'sisters'.

However, though we had little, Ella taught me even more about open hearts and open hands. So, we often had a small dinner party of our own. Me, Ella, Jacqueline, Gus Gus, and the others. I rather enjoyed taking the teacups and cloths to make them little tables, then giving them bitesize pieces that me and Ella would arrange like a fancy host might.

These moments, with my sister, and sometimes our little friends, these were my favorite. They made it bearable. It allowed me and Ella to grow ever closer. It was us against the world in a kind way. However, the attic tonight, was again too cold to sleep in. So, as we had grown a habit of, we curled together by the last bits of the fire. We had also started a habit of, the nights spent by the fire, we would read a snippet of the journal Ella's father had left for me, before bed. Some nights I read it, some nights, Ella read it. Tonight was my turn.

..."And so concludes day 12 of my time in France. Je vous aimez." I closed the journal and placed it in a small nook next to the fireplace. Safe from flames and prying sisters. I'll take it to the shelf in the attic when it's warmer.

"Good night Ella. I love you."

"I love you too Alexis. Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams."


I hope y'all liked this chapter. The beginning was very difficult to write.

"Je Vous Aimez" = I love you (to more than one person) in French. I am about 65% -70% knowledgable/fluent in French as I have taken multiple years, worked with my mom, and been to France.


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