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Just before we get into the chapter, I'm sure some of you had heard about a person called Akira Toriyama who had passed away earlier this week. His creations, especially Dragon Ball, was a huge part of my life when I was younger and even now that I am older. Dragon Ball was one of those shows that holds a special place in my heart and so I was truly saddened for his passing which I am sure many of you are, even if you watch/don't watch anime.

When you got entire governments of multiple countries mourning his death, that's how you know how much of an impact the man and his creations had on the masses.

Though HP and DB have pretty much nothing in common, for all the DB fanfics out there, I'd like to dedicate this chapter to you.

Let me know what you think as always!


Chapter 5


July 3rd, 1996

It was a very tired and exhausted Tonks, that made her way into the house just after nine o'clock to sounds of laughter and aromas of delectable food wafting towards her.

"I'm home!" She said with a small shout; her shoulders sagging from fatigue as her body reverted back to a form she felt most comfortable in.

"In here!" Her mother replied from somewhere within.

Tonks didn't get to even take a step from the door before she stood face to face with the still deathly pale, black-haired boy that had wormed his way into her heart.

"Where does it hurt? What happened?!" Harry frantically asked, flaying his arms around her as if it was a way to inspect her for any injuries.

Tonks didn't think her fondness for the younger wizard could grow anymore but she was deftly wrong and couldn't help the large grin the came up on her face.

"Relax, I'm fine, just a tad exhausted shortstack." She replied, affectionately tapping his cheek causing him to poke her side in return, scowling at his nickname much to Tonks' amusement as she squealed away.

"Clearly, if you're able to jump around like that you idiot. We were having dinner before you rudely interrupted." Harry quipped, grinning as Tonks indignantly shouted "Hey!" at the name.

He grabbed her hand and began tugging her over to the kitchen; Tonks barely having time to take off her boots as she hopped along with him.

"I've found the source of our disturbance." Harry said as he went back to his seat opposite Andromeda.

"Mother dear, your only daughter has returned." Tonks exclaimed dramatically before she threw her arms around Andromeda and kissed her on the cheek.

"Dora," Andromeda said warmly, rolling her eyes with Harry at her daughter's juvenile behaviour, "How are you dear?"

"Could be better." Tonks shrugged as she plopped herself next to Harry and was about to dig into all the lovely food that she figured was prepared by Winky before her hand was slapped away as she went to reach for some wonderful steak.


"But mum..." She whined.

"No child of mine sits at the table dressed in work clothes and smells like they went food hunting with a bunch of mountain trolls." Andromeda said matter-of-factly at Tonks who looked as if she swallowed a lemon at being compared to a troll causing Harry to snort.

"Lady Nymmie must bathe now! Winky has prepared fresh clothes so yous be go go go!" The little female elf said as she appeared next to Tonks, putting her hands on her hips and looking sternly at the young woman.

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