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Sorry for the delay! Life has been hectic.

Upload schedule is going to change again. It will be when I can from now on :(

Though, I am pretty excited about writing the next chapter so you never know ;)

As always let me know what you think! I promise, I'll get to the reviews I haven't answered by the end of this week!


Chapter 7


July 5 th , 1996

Tap, tap, tap.

A serpent cane clicked at a steady rhythm on the floorboards as the once Lord of the Manor, strode through his dark hallway. Paintings of his ancestors sneered and looked down at the man in contempt as he walked past them and yet the man ignored them all.

His once pristine, long blonde hair, billowed limply behind him as he edged closer to his destination. Dark shallow eyes replaced his once haughty look as Lucius Malloy reached the end of the hall. He raised his hand to open the door before he stopped and looked to his left.

A similar looking blonde man stared back at him, decked out in clothes of the highest quality, his very own serpent cane held in the older man's hand like a king would hold a sceptre.

"The Malfoy's are royalty." Lucius murmured as if it was a mantra. Malice surrounded his eyes as he thought of the mudbloods usurping the power that the Purebloods held for generations.

With new found vigour, he sneered back at his ancestors who all turned away in shame at the state of the current Lord of their noble House.

The Malfoys; the upper echelon of this country and one of the most respected families in the entire magical world and yet, how dare his very own ancestors look down on him? The very own people who had brought the Malfoy name just as much success and power as he had and in spite of that, they stared down their noses at him like he was dirt on their boots.

As if everything he had done to get to this point was a mistake.


Everything he had done, everything he had sacrificed, was for the betterment of his family and the future. When the Dark Lord reigns supreme at the pinnacle of this country and then the world, the Malfoys would be elevated to the summit alongside with him. They'd be treated once again as royalty just as they deserved to be and then he'd pass judgment on those who looked down on him.

He placed his hand on the knob of the door and twisted it open and walked inside to the bedroom he was forced to reside in as his Master had taken the master bedroom.

He spotted his wife at the vanity, idly looking down into her lap.


The youngest of the Black sister's looked up into the mirror and eyed her husband's reflection impassively.

Time had been more than kind to her; she still retained her famous doll-like beauty. The blood of the Blacks aristocratic history had given her the notorious, beautiful features many other purebloods craved.

Her blonde hair was the only obvious difference between her and her older sisters. She was always proud of her natural blonde hair that she got from her deceased Grandmother Melania as it was one of the things that made her stand out from her siblings.

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