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Hello! Apologises for the late upload. Work has really been picking up lately and so my schedule has changed :( I'll try and post a chapter once every two weeks instead of once a week from now on. Hopefully I can stick to that but if I do have an update regarding uploads, be sure to check out my profile because that's where it will be. Most likely, uploads will be for a Tuesday or Wednesday from now on so keep your eyes peeled for that!

Also reviews! I've been sooooo busy lately so I haven't had the chance to respond to the many reviews I've received but I do read them so even if I can't respond, keep sending em through!

Biggest chapter yet! Things may seem slow but if you've gotten this far into the story, you're basically locked in so you can't go anywhere :)) Eventually, things will begin to pick up in speed so stay tuned!



Chapter 6


July 4th 1996

Harry awoke to an odd but amusing scene as he took in his surroundings.

It seemed that he had been moved from the room he was in when they had conducted the exorcism ritual and now was in a place that looked oddly familiar to the Hogwarts hospital room. However, instead of hearing the humming he was so accustomed to back at Hogwarts, courtesy of the Matron, Madam Pomfrey, he was instead privileged to an odd sort of snoring coming from the woman on his right.

He sat up, being mindful of his sister in all but blood, sleeping with her head on his bed. Her hand was in his as drool slipped out from the corner of her mouth which was twitching in a weird, goofy grin, at some absurd dream she was probably having and Harry couldn't help but lightly snort at the rather funny sight.

He reached out to the bedside table, automatically patting around for his glasses and found them neatly sitting next to a vase which contained a bunch of beautiful rose thrifts. No. Daphnes?

Picking up his spectacles, Harry placed them on the bridge of his nose and blinked once, twice, thrice and frowned. He couldn't bloody see!

He took off his glasses and his eyes briefly widened at the sight. Everything was so clear!

It was like looking through his glasses and yet he didn't have them on. He slowly took them off and stared at it for a moment or so before putting them back on the bedside table and instead reached for the jug of water and poured himself a glass as quietly as possible.

It was an awkward thing to do seeing as the table was on his right and his right hand was currently occupied by Tonks but he somehow managed. He took a few swigs of the cool water, which instantly brought relief to his dry and apparent sore throat and then reckoned it was time for some answers.

A grin slowly came across his face as his emerald eyes shone with mischief as they locked onto the sleeping form of the bubbly metamorph. He outstretched his arm with the glass of water in his left hand and tipped it over her ear, allowing the water to drip down into her orifice and mentally prepared for the upcoming onslaught of one angry Nymphadora "call me Tonks" Tonks.


Andromeda Tonks regally, strode down the grand bank halls towards the hospital wing with two cups of muggle coffee she managed to persuade the guards to let her through with, floating behind her.

Her black heels clicked audibly in the otherwise silent hallway; her face an impassive, cool mask and yet her mind was focused with worry on the young man that currently lay unconscious in a lone bed at the other end of the hall.

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