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Longest chapter yet! Just over 17k words wheeew. I probably won't be writing a chapter this long anytime soon again aha.

Some people will have mixed opinions after reading this chapter so it'll be interesting to read what ya think so let me know!


Chapter 8


July 20 th , 1996

"In all my years working as an Auror, I don't think I've seen this many people attend a Ministry-held function before."

"Fudge's last bid trying to win the most important votes of his life. Gotta make it special somehow." A voice snorted.

"No wonder!" The other person chuckled. "Anti-Fudge are you, Larry?"

"Since he was elected. Personally, never liked the ponce."

"Bit of a peculiar chap, ain't he?"

"Understatement of the century, Dom. Understatement of the century."

The air was buzzing with the pleasant murmur of conversation and the tinkling of champagne glasses. Guests mingled and exchanged pleasantries as little Elves decked out in small little suits, baring the Ministry of Magic emblem, glided through the crowd, offering trays of hors d'oeuvres and flutes of sparkling champagne to eager hands.

"Merlin's balls! Look at the arse on that!" 'Dom' whistled lowly.

"Who? Ah. Fantastic isn't it. The way it jiggles from left to right. That's Lady Emmaline Vance. Helluva bird, she is. Voice of an angel but I've heard no man can handle her. Word on the grapevine is that she's a bit... loony... behind closed doors."

"In this day 'n age, who bloody cares! One night! That's all I'd need. She'd go loony for me after." He replied with a salacious grin as his partner laughed.

"Enjoying yourself laddies?" A gruff voice interrupted behind the pair causing them to stiffen.

"Mad-eye." Larry gulped.

"Focus ya bloody morons! Constant vigilance! It's times like this when the enemy strikes! When idiot Aurors like you drop their guard!"

"Yes sir, won't happen again, sir!"

"See that it doesn't otherwise you can join the seniors for training tomorrow. Proudfoot mentioned something about needing two volunteers for our bludgeoning session..." Moody ended with a gnarly grin before the intimidating man limped away.

"Bloody mental..." Dom muttered as he stood up straight and began scanning the crowd lest he angers the scary man again.

Larry lightly cleared his throat before copying his colleague.

"It's gonna be one long night, Dom..."


Dresses full of sparkling gems and shoes so shiny, one could see their reflection in, shimmered like a sea of diamonds as the elite of society gathered for the annual Ministry Gala, a function renowned for its extravagance and sophistication.

The venue location was in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic, decorated and transformed making it a ballroom fit for royalty.

Guests were still arriving in a flurry of elegance as a red carpet greeted them from the fireplaces. Once they cleared a small security booth, they were lead into the main ballroom where they were announced by a man with some of the most garish orange glasses Daphne had ever seen.

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