2. Getting to know

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Haerin pov:

The first class goes by fast, same with the second one as i mostly just looked out the window daydreaming about everything possible in this world. After finally hearing the school bell ring, i grab my things and walk out of the classroom to find Jungwon. After looking around for a while, i see him standing infront of the cafeteria "Hey, how was your classes?" I ask when i finally reach him "good, i mean it was boring but i befriended some guys. What about you?" "Same, but i sat on a desk without anyone next to me so i couldn't really befriend anyone. I wouldn't anyway to be honest" i answer as we start walking into the cafeteria

"Thats just normal Haerin behavior, no suprise" my brother says, and i decide to stay silent. We decided to sit alone somewhere in the right corner and just started talking for 1 minute before a few boys came up to us "hey Jungwon, wanna sit with us?" one of the guys asks, and Jungwon immediatly turns his head towards me. I give him a reassuring smile as in accepting his silent question and shove him towards them. As they walk away i can still manage to catch the "is that your sister?" question.

After eating for about 5 minutes, i feel a presence sit on the opposite side of the table. I look up, meeting 2 girls i swear i've seen before. "Hello! My name is Kim Minji and this is my little sister Kim Hyein, we're in the same class" the older girl says "yeah you sat a row before us" the other girl- or should i call her Hyein said. "Oh yeah hi.." "your name is Kang Haerin right? Wanna be friends?" Hyein says in a enthustiastic voice, which makes it basically impossible to say no to. "Yeah okay.."

"Oh yeah by the way, i'm the class president so feel relived" Minji says "why would she feel relived about that? She problaby just gets nervous around you because you can report her to the principal!" Hyein says as she starts lightly hitting Minji, i giggle a little at Hyein's playful action and Minji's failed tries to avoid the punches. "OKAY STOP HITTING ME-" Minji almost shouts, and Hyein finally stops. "Yeah we're sisters too unfortunatly" Minji says as she starts eating the lunch she brought to the table.

After eating lunch and talking for a while, Minji stands up "Wanna walk to class with us then?" "Yeah sure" I answer and we start walking to class "what class are we having?" Hyein asks "math i think" Minji answers, and Hyein sighs. "Haerin let me tell you, math is a living nightmare. I mean math itself is scary, but Mr. Min is even scarier!" "Are we still having Mr. Min?" Minji asks and Hyein nods "well fuck"

As we enter the classroom, we start making our way to our usual seat but this time them seating themself beside me. We start talking again, as it's still about 5 minutes till class starts. "What are you guys doing there" a voice asks, and we all look up. A pretty short girl with long black hair was deeply staring at Minji and Hyein, and i notice how Minji and Hyein's faces completly changed. "Can't we make friends?" Minji asks with a sarcastic voice, as i then notice a girl behind the other girl. She seemed to be looking for a chance to get the short girl to sit down, guessing that she was the short girls friend.

"Oh my gosh Hanni just sit down its no big deal, we just wanted to sit next to our friend" Minji says, clearly tired from their bickering. "Fine" the now called Hanni says, as she sits down. The taller girl sitting beside her. "Who's that?" I whisper to them both as i point to the two girls infront of us. "The short girl is Hanni Pham and the other girl is Danielle Marsh. Hanni is pretty much a bitch, especially to us 2 because we're basically enemies" Hyein answers "why are you guys enemies?" i ask, curious to know why they hate each other so much. "We knew each other from childhood, but we never got along. Different things happend and we ended up hating each other" Minji answers

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