7. Closer

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Hanni pov:

I thanked god for making me and Haerin neighbours,

 1. if i ever visit her, its not a long way home

2. we can walk to school together and we can walk home together

3. i can easily just visit her whenever i want!

Sometimes the world really is kind to me, not always though. And if you haven't already guessed it, i've been thinking about Haerin and the time we spent together while i walked home, not that it took time. "I know so much about her now, and she's finally comfortable! It's going pretty well i would say"  i took out my keys, opening the front door and walking inside. I was immediately welcomed by my little sister, Leeseo, on top of my little brother, Dangyeong. "What has he done now?" I ask as i take off my jacket and place down my bag. "That little bastard tried to take my phone!" Leeseo half-screams as she practically chokes Dangyeong.

After taking off my shoes, i walk over to the mess and pull Leeseo off Dangyeong, where he lays half-dead. "I swear if you keep up this act you'll kill him!" I say as i let go off Leeseo to help Dangyeong. "Well it isn't my fault he's a total asshole!" Leeseo protests while she holds her phone like it's the first time she got it after 5 years. "Don't call your brother an asshole!" I say as Dangyeong finally seems to get to his senses again. "Leeseo i swear one day i'm gonna murder you!" Dangyeong says, clearly pretty mad. I just ignore him, looking around for Heeseung. "Where's Heeseung?" I ask the two. "Don't know don't care" Dangyeong answers, and i just sigh.

I let go of Dangyeong as he's now back to his senses. "No! You tried to steal my phone for no reason, what if you broke it! Your so clumsy!" Leeseo screams, and i start to loose my temper. "Well it's not my fault i was curious! You were smiling so brightly and i wanted to know why but you wouldn't tell me! Have you already gotten a boyfriend?" Dangyeong answers, and i just sigh for the nth time. "Actually, yes i do! Hah! Jokes on you i got a partner before you!" Leeseo teases, and Dangyeong seems flabbergasted. "That's impossible who would want your dumbass?" Dangyeong asks, and i'll admit that the whole scene is pretty funny. "Many! And probably 50 times more then people who want you!" Leeseo answers, a smirk clearly forming on her face.

They continue to bicker, and i start to loose my patience. "Your just a jerk who no one wants!" "Well your a dumba-" "SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU" i scream, making both of them shut up in shock. "Both of you apologize to each other, i do not wanna hear anything more, im going to get ready for bed." I say, and they both nod, clearly scared. I walk upstairs, but still managing to hear them both apologize. It didn't go time before i got reminded of Haerin, and i feel myself warm up just from the thought of her.

-small time skip-

I'm already all done for bed, and i lay down, sighing as i feel myself melt into the warm bed sheets. I smile as i think of Haerin, her eyes, her personality, her smile, just everything about her. "Is it possible for someone to be that perfect?" I smiled at my own thoughts, knowing damn well how much i fell for this girl in such a short time. I feel myself falling asleep, tired from my sibling's bickering. I still manage to tell myself that i should walk with Haerin and Danielle to school tomorrow before i finally fall asleep.

-Time skip-

Haerin pov:

Jungwon has already told me all about a girl he met while out with Niki and his friends. It suprises me how i barely know any of the boy's name, i only know Niki and Heeseung, mainly because Niki is clearly Jungwon's best friend, and Heeseung is Hanni's brother. "Hanni" i get reminded of the pretty girl again, feeling a burst of happiness realizing we can go to school together, as we are neighbours. "Hello? Are you even listening to me?" Jungwon asks, waving a hand infront of my face which pulls me out of my thoughts. "Oh yeah mhm. She sounds amazing" i say, adding a little bit of sarcasm. He just rolls his eyes at me, and i get reminded to ask him about the other boy's names.

"Hey you have a friend group right? What's their names?" I ask while i curiously look at him. "Why? are you interested in one of them?" Jungwon asks with a smirk, and I immediately shake my head violently as i show a x with my hands. "Yeah yeah alright, well it's Heeseung, who you might know as it's Hanni's older brother, Niki who you have also met, Jake which is the older brother of the girl i've been talking about and Jay and Sunghoon. They also say they have another one in the group but he's sick. I'm pretty sure he's coming today though." Jungwon finishes, and i just nod.

"Ya did you know Hanni and her brother Heeseung is our neighbour?" I say as both me and Jungwon exit the house. We decided that a jacket would be too hot, it's summer after all. "Oh rea-" he says, but he cuts off as we see Hanni, Heeseung and 2 other stand at our porch. Heeseung waves, but the only one who coughts my attention is Hanni. She's smiling widely at me, and i almost melt. Both me and Jungwon start walking towards them, gretting them when we reach them. "Hello! Yall are Haerin and Jungwon right?" the other little girl says, and me and Jungwon both nod.

 "Hello! I'm Heeseung's and Hanni's little brother Dangyeong! Unfortunately also this demon's little brother." Dangyeong says as we all start walking. "Oh shut up, and my name is not demon it's Leeseo!" Leeseo says. I just laugh at them, clearly understanding that their siblings. "Sorry for them, we can walk a little faster so we don't walk close to them? You really don't wanna walk with them, they'll just start bickering." Hanni whispers to me, and i just giggle while nodding. Both me and Hanni start speed walking, before we start slowing down as we now are pretty far from the others. 

Both me and Hanni start talking, laughing at literally anything possible that comes out of both of our mouths. "Btw i really like your outfit, you look pretty in it." Hanni says, which gives me butterflies. I get all shy, smiling while looking down, trying to hide my blush. "Uh..thanks you too" i mumble, and Hanni just starts giggling. "At least i don't have to repeat it, i would literally die" "oh aren't you supposed to walk with Danielle?" I ask, glad that I remembered her name. "Oh she's walking with her boyfriend Sunoo, she's pretty obsessed with him" Hanni says, and we both start laughing again. 

That's basically how the rest of our walk is, us talking and laughing at everything. We finally reach school, where we are met by stares from students while we walk through the halls. "You seem pretty popular" i whisper to Hanni. "I guess so, but your also pretty popular" Hanni says, and i just nod while shrugging. When we finally reach our classroom, i peek in to see if we're late. Luckily we're not, as i don't see the teacher anywhere and not all of the students are present. I press the door handle, entering with Hanni behind me.

Gonna stop there since it's literally so late rn

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