3. neighbour

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Hanni pov: 

After school lunch was over, me and Danielle started walking to class. "How's it going with Sunoo?" I ask her while we make our way to the classroom " it's going alright, he's sick today so he couldn't come to school, but we spent time together during summer vacation" she answers, smiling widely. I know how much Danielle loves her boyfriend, she also loves talking about everything that happens between them to me. I enjoy it, since i've never been in a non-toxic realationship. As we finally enter our classroom, we walk to our usual seats, only to find Hyein and Minji sitting next to Haerin, making Hyein and Minji sitting even closer to me. They we're talking and didn't see me before i asked them what they we're doing there. Me, Minji and Hyein bickerd for a while, while Danielle were making hopless tries to make me sit down. 

After a while Minji seemed tired, so i ended up giving up and just sitting down on my seat. Danielle released a relived sigh as i finally sat down, and i took another glance back, just to get met by the eyes of Haerin. She immediatly averted her gaze to the teacher, and i did the same. I ended up falling asleep halfway through class, before getting woken up by Danielle. "What?" I asked when she wouldn't stop calling my name "we're set in group pairs to do a project, your with Haerin and Wonyoung"

"Hi!" I got suprised as i heard a voice behind me, turning around to see a tall girl with stunning visuals. "I'm Wonyoung, we're in a pair for the group project." She said, as she took a seat next to me. "Oh yeah hi" i said, but then felt a presence behind me, turning around to see Haerin placing herself 2 seats away from me. I was confused on where Danielle went, but decided not to look around as she problaby went to her group "Hey Haerin, come closer so we can work together!" Wonyoung says, and Haerin seemed hesitant at first, but eventually sat beside me. "Alright so the project is pretty simple, we're just making a timeline for different music genres, like when they became popular and stuff." Wonyoung says, as she points to the screenboard.

People could say i'm lazy, but when it comes to group projects i usally work pretty hard. I'm not sure why and i have no special reason, i just do. I started getting tired from all the writing, and checked the clock "5 minutes left" i practically celebrated as i saw the time, knowing it wasn't long till break time. "I think we could say we're done for now, we have another class to finish it anyway" Wonyoung says, as she starts packing her things. I looked to my left, seeing Haerin already standing up from her seat.

Haerin pov:

After working for a while, Wonyoung finally says we can stop, and i start quickly packing my stuff. After finally being done, i walk to the seat behind, only to see 2 seats still being occupied by 2 boys, and Minji being in the middle of them.I didn't know what to do, so i just decided to grab the 2 boys attention by coughing, they looked at me, and i suddenly felt uncomfortable by their stares. "Uhm i'm.. sitting there.." i say quietly. "Why should we care? We can sit wherever we want"

"No, get out of her seat" Minji says "class is already over, so whats the point of sitting here". "We don't wanna loose a chance of sitting next to you" one of the boys said, and i could clearly tell Minji was getting annoyed. "Just give her the goddamn seat" a voice says, i turn my head towards the voice's owner, seeing Hanni staring deeply at the 2 boys. The 2 boys immediatly pack their things, take their bags and move away. I stare at Hanni for a little, suprised and confused on why she helped us, but i shook it off and sat down. After a while Hyein came back as well, telling us that she went to the bathroom and that's why she came a little late.

We decided to stay inside the classroom for break, so we didn't have to walk back to the classroom after break. Hyein and Minji started spilling all the tea from the school i don't know about, and also telling things about student's i should know about. "Oh by the way i haven't gotten the name of your brother" "Jungwon" i answer Hyein.


Hanni pov:

Finally school was over, and i quickly pack my things, ending up with needing to wait on Danielle because she's slow. "Your still slow like always" i answer when Danielle finally finishes packing, and she frowns at me. "Oh yeah i'm visiting Sunoo to give him some medicine so i can't walk home with you "Danielle says with a happy smile as we exit class "wow what a great girlfriend you are" i say "i know!" She says as we reach the school gates. "Well i'm going this way so bye! See you tomorrow!" Danielle says as she slowly starts walking the other direction "bye" i say back, and she fully turns around and starts walking away. 

I start walking the other direction, taking out my phone. After walking for a while, i bump into someone, accidently dropping my phone. "I'm so sorry" the other person says as i pick up my phone. When i look up at the person i bumped into, i see no one other then Haerin. You may say we're weird for being so shocked, but we we're both, or maybe just me, but anyways, shocked because we're very close to my house. What is she doing here? Don't tell me she lives here. Well it's not that bad, i mean she's cute. "What are you doing here?" I blurt out "i live here" she says as she points at the house next to me. Wait. NEXT TO ME?! 

We stayed silent for a second, but i decided to break the akwardness. "Nice to be your neighbour cutie" i say, as i walk past her towards my house. Entering the house, i start debating if it really is a good thing that she's my neighbour.

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