Prologue: Petrified Soul

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Bemular P.o.V:

I slowly open my eyes and began to look around my surroundings... And all I could see was a vast of... Nothingness. No ground underneath my feet.. there was just..... Nothing. What is this, where am I... The last thing I remembered was.... Running my way towards the Hospital. I.. had worked endlessly to earn so much money for Mom. Mom... She.. Her sickness... I had earned enough money for her operation. And I was going to pay for it by myself... 

So... why am I in this empty Void? Suddenly my thoughts were cut short when I began to hear a man's voice.

Man: "Greetings, motherfucker!" *I look over to my shock I see a black horned man with a pair of angelic wings and a ring above his head* "So how was experience dying for the first time?"

"Huh, wait dying my first-?" I say in other confusion only to realize in horor... The gravity of his words. "No.... I c-can't be dead..."

Angel: "Ah, yeah you died!" *He takes out a document* "It said here you died by a... wait..." *He studies the  paper in other confusion.* "Wait, what the fuck?" *He thinks for moment.... before placing his hand on his and rubs the sides of his eyes in irritation* "Are you fucking kidding me?" *Takes out a phone from his pocket before calling someone, I tried to speak up wanting to know what the hell is going on before he looks over and holds his finger* "Just a second?" *Someone apparently answers him despite us being in some sort of void* "Hey...Nelly.. buddy.. So remembered I told you to kill that serial killer Demon. Uhuh.. yeah... Well turns out you may have killed an innocent bystander."

"WHAT?!" I screamed out loud.  I WAS KILLED BY ANGELS ON ACCIDENT!!

The guy looked over to me irritated telling me to shhhh! But I wasn't having it. "You made a mistake so you can bring me back alive right?" *I asked grabbing his shoulders and began to shake him violently. I didn't have time for this I needed to get that money to help my mother. I can't afford to be dead.

Angel: "Mother fucker get off me!" *He pushes me off him causing me to fall over, he then hangs up the phone* "You know what?! I was going to be nice and try and let you through heaven." *Holds up his hand and fires a beam of light blasting me back causing me to cough out blood*   "But you know what? I have reputation to uphold, and I can't you knowing about my little blunder now, can I?" He say with a sinister smile on his face.

My eyes widened in horror as I try to make a run for it. However, the Angel began conjuring powerful blades of light stabbing straight into my leg causing me to scream in agony. I look behind me as he pins me to the ground. 

"S-stop you can't do this..! You're an angel"

Angel: *speaks with a twisted and evil tone* "Yeah and you're my first mistake... Now time to eliminate my mistake." 

As  this... Angel, who served the heavens... To bring us salvation and peace... Began to torture me... Cutting and blasting at my body. All I can hear was my screams of agony, pain as I begged and begged for him to stop and for someone to save me. As years began to pass by rapidly around me. I kept  thinking to myself... Why is this happening... All I wanted to do was help save my mother's life. What did I do... to deserve this? Perhaps...because of my failure... I deserve this?

However as my vision began to fade into black .. I can hear another's voice screaming outin shock and horror as my body began to grow heavy. I can feel the ground breaking underneath me as I began to fall into the abyss..

I soon wake up feeling slamming right into my stomach forcing to awaken from the sharp pain. I began to look around me feeling dazed as I found myself in some sort of cavernous area. I can see make out some sort of human with.... different animal like feature stand all around me... looking at me. It was then someone picks me up from my collar and lift me up..  As he does I only realize now that I was a lot smaller.. now.

Man's voice: "GET UP BRAT!" *He tosses me onto the ground before shooting me in the leg with a bullet causing me to scream in pain* "SHUT UP!" *Walks over to me kicks me in the face* "Now get back to work you ugly faunus freak."" *The human man walks off screaming to the many others around me* "THAT GOES FOR ALL OF YOU AS WELL!" 

I watch the others quickly looking away and getting back to work. I struggled to get back on my feet and as I do I stare in my new environment. So.. this is my life now... de-voided of all hope..  and all life... To be a slave.. and mine my new life away.. I ask myself again.. The same question over and over again

What did I deserve this...

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