Chapter 7: Meeting

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4 days. 4 days of constant typing and organising for 'Arcotex' without a break! Well apart from when I have to play with Agnese, which isn't that bad considering I thought she was going to be a shithead troublemaker.

And now here I am, following closely behind Issac as he walked to where the meeting was situated. I've noticed recently he's not that bad, well he's bad but he's got a kind side I guess.

"What are you doing?" I hear Issac Luton say from behind me, causing me to let out a sigh.

"Working sir, your sister left some toys on the floor," I say while picking up a Barbie doll. "She's a very sweet girl," I say, my tone slightly softening. His sister was so innocent, too pure to be siblings with such a cunt like him.

I look up at him, my eyes widening when I see we are eye to eye. His brown eyes seem to momentarily widen as he quickly clears his throat and grabs a toy off the floor. "...I know, I'm sorry if she's been any trouble." I hear him mumble as he quickly stands at the same time as me, making me internally cringe at this awkwardness.

"She's not a pain at all," I say simply, trying to reduce this weird tension going on between us.

He turns his head and sighs. "Is something wrong sir?"

"You should let the cleaners clean the toys, it's their job." He grumbled quietly, glancing down at me like he didn't just pick something up. "You're going to get your outfit dirty." He said simply as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

"...alright, thanks, sir.."

Eh... I think that was more of a weird thing that happened rather than a kind thing that happened, but I'll take it rather than a cold shoulder.

I feel a coarse hand grab onto my shoulder from behind, making me jump out of my skin before hearing a voice which strangely makes me instantly relax.

"You ready to go?" Issac says as I turn my head to look at him. He had a grin on his face and a raised eyebrow, he looked almost playful.

"Scare you did I?" He says teasingly as I quickly stand. Jesus, it's giving me flashbacks to 2 weeks ago with my sister. I need to get back on my game, overwise I'll never complete this secret mission shit.

I sigh and give him a quiet and curt nod as I follow behind him to the room where the meeting was scheduled. Technically I don't need him to know where I'm going. Since I've worked here I've memorized this entire building, top to bottom, which is pretty impressive if I don't say so myself so I'll give myself a pat on the back.

As we walk we eventually get there, weirdly enough we are going the long way, surely Issac knows this? Or he doesn't, maybe all he does is stay in his office. Another thing I've noticed is his eyes, always watching my movements.

He enters a room and I follow.

My eyes scan the room carefully, noticing a few people already in there, however a large bulky man seems to catch my eye. He sits there quietly as Issac gives the room a nod and sits at the end of the table. I give the room a last look before sitting next to Issac, a notepad and pen in my hand as we patiently wait for others to join.

The room was full of chatter, my eyes rose, seeing a woman talking happily to the large man before. They seemed rather close, especially with the fact his arms were around the woman. But I'll ignore that for now. The woman had long brown hair and a kind face, I'm guessing she works for him but I'm but sure. They sort of look like lovers than simple work buddies but who am I to make assumptions?

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