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Chapter 10


I jog up the steps of the science building two at a time, my heavy ass backpack beating against my back with every jump. Damn my back and quads hurt from practice yesterday, coach really drilling our asses since the first game of the season is this weekend. On the second floor of the science building, I head towards one of the large lecture halls for my anatomy class. Finding the correct room number, I walk in and my eyes automatically scan the room for one person in particular.

Towards the centre of the fifth row, I spot Jennie sitting next to Rosé, the two talking amongst themselves. I take the stairs to the fifth tier, sliding into the row and claiming the seat next to Jennie.

"Ladies." I greet them, hooking my backpack onto the back of the chair before taking a seat.

"Hey." Jennie greets me with a surprised smile.

I take a quick glance around the large lecture hall that's already halfway full. "I swear, if we have to do introductions in this class..."

Jennie laughs, shaking her head. "Gosh, I hope not."

"If we do, I still got your back if you got mine." I grin.

"Deal." she agrees. "Lisa Manoban, exercise science, NFL." she recites.

"Very good." I praise, pleased that she remembered everything I told her about myself from lab. "And Jennie Kim, pre-med, cardiologist, weirdo that can twist her fingers in an inhuman like way."

She grins. "Nailed it."

"You told her that you're a freak?" Rosé chimes in teasingly.

"Actually, she told our whole English class." I verify.

"Jen, you have got to stop using that as your fun fact!" Rosé groans.

"What else am I supposed to say?" Jennie counters.

"I don't know, anything but that! And you especially don't have to show everyone, either!"

During their banter, someone from the back of the room yells out my name. "Lisa!"

I turn my head, looking over my shoulder at the rows behind me. It takes me only a few seconds to spot Somi with her hand raised above her head, waving to get my attention. Once our eyes lock she gestures with her hand for me to come sit with her and her friends a number of rows back.

Internally groaning, I flash her a meek smile and give a small wave before turning back around in my chair, clearly rejecting her offer.

"... tell everyone you have a third nipple." I just catch the end of Rosé's sentence.

"You what!?" I nearly choke.

"Rosé!" Jennie scolds her friend, turning a deep shade of red. Her head quickly snaps in my direction. "I do not have a third nipple, by the way." she strongly assures me.

"But see, it really grabs someone's attention." Rosé teasingly taunts.

"Just... ugh!" Jennie covers her face, slumping back in her chair, causing both Rosé and I to chuckle.

Before I can comfort Jennie, I feel someone looming behind me, and I twist in my seat to see pale rat face boy, Taehyung, standing behind me, scowling at me with hatred.

"You're in my seat." he says coldly.

I make a show of scanning the desktop, and even the back of the chair. "I don't see your name on it."

His jaw clinches, and his beady little eyes stare a hole right through me. Sizing me up, he realises I'd knock him on his ass in point two seconds, and his eyes shift to Jennie, waiting for her to say something. Jennie sits next to me, her body tense as she refuses to turn around and get in the middle of our discussion. Her pencil is in her hand, anxiously colouring in the corner of her notebook paper as she desperately tries to ignore everything going on.

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