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No one's POV:

Mikey and Y/N arose early this morning with the intention of heading to Mikey's grandfather's dojo for a sparring session and training session. Recognizing the impending confrontation with Valhalla, they sought to address lingering concerns and refine Y/N's technique. Aware of the significance of the impending battle, Y/N was determined not to falter in the face of adversaries. Thus, she sought Mikey's assistance in honing her skills. Naturally, Mikey readily agreed, expressing his eagerness to aid her. Spending time with his beloved was always a source of joy for him, whether engaged in combat or simply relaxing together. Each moment shared held immense value for both of them.

Mikey turned to Y/N, his voice filled with determination. "Let's make the most of our training today. We need to be at our best for the upcoming battle."

Y/N nodded in agreement, her resolve matching his own. "Absolutely. I'm counting on your guidance to help me improve my technique."


The sun had already dipped below the horizon by the time Mikey and Y/N arrived at Mikey's house, the familiar sight of his grandfather's dojo welcoming them home. With determination in their eyes, they wasted no time and headed straight for the training space.

Entering the dojo, they exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between them before they began their warm-up exercises.

"Ready to push ourselves to the limit tonight?" Mikey's voice was filled with excitement as he stretched his muscles.

"Absolutely. Let's make it count," Y/N replied, her tone equally determined as she mirrored Mikey's movements.

As they moved through each stretch, they shared brief words of encouragement, their voices mingling with the sound of their breathing.

"It's been a while since we've trained together like this," Y/N remarked, her voice filled with nostalgia. Mikey looked up at her, a hint of reminiscence in his eyes. "True, the last time we were here, things got pretty intense. But today, it's just us, focusing on our training," he responded, a faint smile playing on his lips.

With their warm-up complete, they transitioned into the heart of their training, starting with the basics.

"Let's focus on those roundhouse kicks first. Remember to keep your balance," Mikey instructed, his voice steady as he demonstrated the proper technique.

Y/N nodded in acknowledgment, her focus unwavering as she mimicked Mikey's movements. With each kick, she felt the strength coursing through her body, her determination growing stronger with each strike.

Next, they moved on to punches and strikes, their fists flying as they practiced various combinations.

"Keep your guard up, Y/N. You're leaving yourself open," Mikey cautioned, his voice firm but encouraging.

Y/N adjusted her stance, her movements becoming more precise as she absorbed Mikey's feedback. With each punch, she felt herself growing more confident, her determination shining through in every movement.

As they honed their techniques, they exchanged words, pushing each other to be the best they could be.

"You're getting better, love. Keep it up!" Mikey's voice was filled with pride as he watched Y/N's progress.

"Thanks, Mikey. You're not too bad yourself," Y/N replied, a hint of playfulness in her tone as she landed a solid punch. With their basics perfected, they moved on to the final phase of their training: sparring.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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