Red on White

233 10 21

A/N: I have no excuse for whatever this just turned into... Writing this was for sure out of my comfort zone, but I guess you have to stretch sometimes and see what you're okay with as an author. I will not be doing this again, that's for sure, but I might as well post it since I don't have anything else to post :/

No beta reader because I know she wouldn't be comfortable with this

Word Count: 1.4k 

    "Clown?" Branzy called, staring distrustfully at the pack of turkey lunch meat in front of him.

     There was a noise resembling a "huh" as the other entered the kitchen to see what the problem was.

     "When did we get this again? I think it might have expired but there's no expiration date," he explained.

     "Oh, I don't remember," he stared at the flimsy plastic container, or at least Branzy thought he did. It could sometimes be a little hard to tell where Clown was looking with his mask on. "Who doesn't put expiration dates on food?"

     "Don't ask me," Branzy said. "I'll just get the salami if you don't know." Better to play it safe, food poisoning was one of the worst things ever.

     He opened the fridge to get the replacement for the turkey, and since they had gotten it shopping the day before it was definitely okay to eat. Pulling the pack of salami out, he turned around and put it down on the counter next to Clown's mask. The other had just pulled it off to suspiciously sniff the turkey on the chance that it could still be good, but ended up making a face.

     "Not good?" Branzy asked, opening some bread.

     Clown shook his head, pushing the container away across the counter, "Definitely not good, don't eat that."

     "Alright." He trusted Clown's sense of smell better than his own, which had been mostly destroyed by inhaling redstone, a side effect of being an engineer nobody ever thought to mention to him.

     Clown moved over to him, taking the bread and constructing a sandwich of his own. Both make their sandwiches in relative silence, stealing glances at each other with all the silent admiration of young lovers. They could be considered that by some, for they had kissed passionately several times, although they both avoided labeling their relationship. Clown stole glances at the other more often, and while he wasn't quite sure what they had between them, he was sure of his opinion on Branzy: Beautiful.

     Today was no exception, Branzy's unkempt white hair framing his smooth, scar free face— and Clown needed to pay attention to his sandwich because he almost dropped the butter knife he was spreading mayonnaise with. He set it down soon thereafter, and began layering slices of salami on top of the bread, a mindless task that let him return his brainpower to Branzy, who looked wonderful in simplicity, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt instead of anything fancy, but his natural beauty still making the center of the room.

     And oh, how Clown wanted to kiss him in that perfect moment, in love with the pure domesticity of it. He set the sandwich down, closing and leaving it on his plate.

     Branzy closed his as well, putting it on a separate plate before turning around and realizing that Clown had come up behind him. It wasn't as much of a jumpscare as it could have been, given Clown's mask was still on the counter, but it caused his adrenaline to spike regardless. He became acutely aware of how close they were when a hand pushed lightly against his stomach, guided him up against the wall the counter was adjacent to, and held him there.

     This had happened a couple times before, and although he enjoyed it, the action always stopped his brain from functioning properly. With his eyes on the same level as Clown's collarbone, he noticed a thin silver chain adorned with a small red heart pendant. He vaguely wondered how he had never noticed it, before being plunged back into reality as Clown's free hand lifted his chin so they made eye contact. Branzy's breath shuddered to a halt, gazing into the deep emotion that was contained in the gray eyes as Clown looked at him with a familiar intensity.

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