Lila Archer

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*Your POV*

I've been worked here at the BAU for nearly three months and things have been going great. The cases haven't been waaay too extreme and I'm getting along really well with the team. Especially Spencer, it's like we've known each other our whole lives.

*Reid's POV*

Y/N is brilliant! And I knew this when I met her, considering all the hyping up Garcia was doing.. But, you never real know until you see a person in action. For example, on our first case together, Y/N was the one spewing facts.. not me. Even sharing information I'd had no idea about. And we bounce ideas off of each other so effortlessly, as Morgan would say, 'We're the "dream" team'! I talk to Y/N for hours about anything and everything, she doesn't mind my rambling, it feels great.

You know what doesn't feel great? Having feelings for somebody knowing they probably don't feel the same way. "Morgan help, you're the girl expert.." I went to my trusted friend and playboy, Derek Morgan. "This about you and Y/L/N?" "Yes.." "What do you need?" "Advice" "K"

"I really like Y/N.. but I don't think she likes me back. She simply treats me like a good friend. Nothing more, nothing less." I explained, "Has it ever occurred to you that she's thinking the same thing?" "That's ludicrous!" "Sure it is.." my close friend rolled his eyes at me.

*JJ's POV*

I was walking past Morgan's office when I heard him and Spence talking.. "I really like Y/N.." I stopped in my tracks, "but I don't think she likes me back." He finished his sentence. 'Yes the freak she does dummy!!' I was about to say but stopped myself. I needed to go find Y/N immediately. "Oh hey JJ, what's up?" Y/L/N greeted me as she walked through the bullpen with a fresh cup off coffee. "Come with me.." I said dragging her out of the area. "I recommend you put down your coffee before this news.. I don't need either of us to get burnt.." I shuddered as I reflected on a moment when major news was dropped and it resulted in the very scary spilling of a hot beverage

Y/N put her cup on a table while confused. "So..?" "Spencer has a crush on you.." "WhAt?? You're joking! Right? Are you??! There's noooo way he likes me..." "I'm serious" "Really?!?!" "Yes really Y/N." "Omgggg..... what do I do???" "That sounds like a you problem..." "Ughhhh"

*Your POV*

OMGGGGGGG!!!!!! JJ JUST TOLD ME SPENCER HAS A CRUSH ON MEEEE!!! YESSSS!!! I'M SO EXCITEDDD!! BUT WHAT DO I DO?? SHOULD I MAKE THE FIRST MOVE?? ........ *Deeeeep breaths* you know what? I'll let Reid come to me... yeah.. good idea.. right..?

I went back to my desk to continue working. A few minutes later, Hotch announced a new case. As we walked to the briefing room, I spotted Reid. We made eye contact and he immediately started blushing and I smiled at him lightly. Our next case was in sunny California, they know how to party 😉😉.. There was an actress, Lila Archer, whose close circle started dying off and we were called in to find the person targeting them. We went down to her current place of work to meet her.

She was posing for the camera in a bathing suit when we arrived. Lila Archer was attractive int he generic, stereotypical, Barbie way. People were fawning over her.. Even Reid was making Goo-goo eyes at Archer.. not that I'm jealous..

*Reid's POV*

Lila Archer is very pretty.. Not as gorgeous as Y/N.. but still highly attractive. She has a provocative demeanor to her, I think that's how Archer draws in her fans. Morgan teased me about thinking Lila was attractive, "Reid's tryna be a playaaaa" "Will you stop it??" I questioned as I got more annoyed.

Y/N and I are in the Night Shift for making sure Lila is safe in her home. Archer was seemingly becoming more flirtatious as the night went on. Eventually getting me to her back patio and diving into her large pool. She practically begged me to get in, to which I respectfully denied. But I got too close and was yanked in by the woman. *SPLASH* We made eye contact and her face slowly moved towards mine, we kissed. I know it was wrong but it felt so right in the moment. We held the kiss for a few seconds till she pulled away. Soon after, I convinced Archer to get out of her pool. I walked inside the home, sopping wet.

*Your POV*

I can't fucking believe it.. What fresh hell?? Spencer just kissed Lila Archer. What the fuck is going on here!? Does he not really like me? Or is he just fooling around with other women while he waits? I'm pissed as fuck. So best believe, I'm gonna get a little sassy. "Why are you wet???!!" I asked as if I didn't see the kiss, "O- oh uhm, she pulled me in.. I got out soon as I could though.." "Right.. sure you did.." I rolled my eyes, "What?" "Nothing. Go shower so you can get back to your job!"

*Reid's POV*

Definitely odd.. Y/N has never acted like that towards me.. what's bothering her? After Lila was sleeping, I quietly asked Y/L/N what was wrong, "Nothing. 🙄" "Y/N/N-," "Don't call me that.!" What is going on here?!?! "Y/N.. What happened?" "You kissed the girl who were were supposed to be guarding! Who does that?? And you don't even feel bad for it!" "It was just one little kiss.. Why are you so concerned about it anyway???"

WhAt WiLl HaPpEn?!?!


I'm in Love With a Pretty Boy 🧠💕Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz