It's official

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"Y/N..." Spencer said. "I have a question..."

*Reid's POV*

"Ask away!" Y/N said, enthusiastically. "So uhm- these past few weeks have been a blast.. I really enjoy spending time with you like this and uhm.. I- I was wondering if- if you would like to maybe be my- my girlfriend...?..?" I stuttered so much! That was so bad! "Aweee Spencie I would love to be your girlfriend!" Y/N smiled and kissed my cheek. I blushed a little, "So.. it's official.." "Yep. We're officially boyfriend and girlfriend"

Within an hour, Morgan and JJ found out. And of course they told Garcia who told Prentiss, Rossi, and our boss.. Aaron Hotchner. Now that would be fine.. but, Aaron Hotchner is a serious guy who prefers that people keep things professional. So, dating coworkers isn't ideal.

*Your POV*

I was working at my desk while chatting with Emily about our favorite reality TV show and Spencer was talking to JJ and Garcia about a new magic trick he learned. "Y/L/N, Reid, my office. Now." Our boss ordered us with no additional information. Spencer and I made our way to Hotchner's office charily. "You wanted to see us?" Spencer questioned, "Yes, sit down." We sat in the chairs on the opposing side of our boss's desk. "I understand the two of you have just gotten together" "Yes sir" "Congratulations. It took the two of you long enough." "Thank you...?" We responded in bewilderment. "You're both very welcome. However, if/when Director Strauss finds out about your relationship, it is imperative that you demonstrate your abilities to be professional at work. Got it.?" "Roger that." I announced and Spencer nodded his head in agreement.

We left his office a few minutes later and as soon as the door to Hotch's office opened, the team scurried away. "We know you were all eavesdropping!" "Whaaaat?? Who would do such a thingggg???" The group joked.

*SiX wEeKs LaTeR*

Things have been going great. Everybody says Spencer & I are the cutest couple the BAU has ever seen. And not to toot my own horn but Toot toooot 🥳🥳 we're fricken adorable!!!

But..... today felt like something negative was going to happen... I could feel it in the depths of my soul. There was a horrible thunderstorm going on outside which was causing some technical issues at work.

*Music from Jaws*

Spencer and I were talking all he got him self sugar— I mean coffee... "Babe, all that sugar cannot be good for you." "I counteract that claim on the grounds that you're much sweeter than sugar and you're fantastic for me" *Wink* "Oh my goodness my man has rizz nowww" I gave him a peck on the lips. Just like in a horror film, the lights flickered as thunder crashed nearby, a demon spawned— I mean our Director Erin Strauss appeared in the doorway. With her agitating, grating voice, (Iykyk) "So the rumor are true! Agent Reid— I expected more of you! And Agent Y/L/N— you were the top of your class! Sleeping with a coworker?!?" "Woah!! What?!?" "I- I'm not sleeping with him!!" "You just kissed him." "We're dating. That doesn't mean we're having coitus" I said lowering my voice. "Well aren't you?" She asked, "No." Spencer answered. "Oh.. still. This is work. You don't date coworkers." "We're not the only people in this building dating." "Yeah, there's atleast seven other couples Director. And from what I've been told, they've done much more than flirt and give an innocent peck at work."

Somehow, we had managed to leave Strauss gobsmacked. She turned around and walked away from us. "That was pretty impressive Spencie" "Not as impressive as youuu" "Oh my goodnessss! My silly boy" I said giving him one more peck before grabbing my green grapes from the fridge in the breakroom.


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