Praise for The Mystic Wolves

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Praise for The Mystic Wolves

"The emotions are so raw and powerful, amazing in a such a short piece. You could practically taste the emotions rolling off of the characters: the fear, the anger, the rage, the grief, and even the love."

~ Kim Deister, The Caffeinated Diva Reviews.

"Frantic moments of suppressed terror will grip you when you read this tale of desperation and lost control. Truly gripping!"

~ Lacey Weatherford, Author Of Witches and Warlocks series.

"Call the folks over at Merriam Webster and let them know of an immediate change: the word "romance" should now include a cover picture of Mystic Wolves. Seriously, I haven't read such a truly romantic story in a long time."

~ Laurie, Reader Girls.

"Just when I thought everything was fine and dandy and happily ever after then boom, she does it again! Another cliffhanger! One that just nearly knocked me off my chair! Now I must have to wait to see what happens. Write faster please I have to know!"

~ Donna, Book Lover's Hideaway.

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