Master Viper

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Name: Master Viper

-Green Tree Viper

Gender: Female 


Eye Color-
Emerald green

Scale Colors-
Lime green, black, brown, and white

Other Attributes- 
Two lotus flower clips on her head; three white beads on her tail; tattoos of Chinese letters along her back

-Kung Fu Master 
-Ribbon Master 

-Unnamed Sisters
-Unnamed Mother 
-Great Master Viper (Father)

Occupation--Kung Fu Master -Ribbon Master Family--Unnamed Sisters-Unnamed Mother -Great Master Viper (Father)

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Viper is the "mother hen" of the group. It takes a cool head and a warm heart to manage the sometimes conflicting personalities of the . But don't let her gentle nature fool you. Viper is a lightning fast warrior capable of taking down the most intimidating foe. Her power lies in her strength, her sinuous nature, her precision... Oh and then there's that deadly strike of hers

In defiance of the villainous stereotype of snakes, Master Viper is the most charming, kind, compassionate, and sweetest of the Five, as demonstrated with her quickly developing empathy for as his indomitable tenacity became obvious. She also demonstrates a great deal of dislike for displays of cruelty or injustice. This is especially presented when she (undercover with Po and the rest of the Five) urged Po to do something when she saw a sheep in trouble, and was also the first one to resort to violence once the cover is blown. She also tries to break up a fight between Tigress and Po, even trying to tell Po to stay down after being knocked down by Tigress

Fighting Style-
Viper's style is flexible, fluid, moldable, elastic and explosive. Her ability to contort into any shape makes her nearly impossible to hit. She uses her lightning-fast reflexes to avoid blows before she counterstrikes – then, by wrapping her body around opponents' limbs, uses the opponents' energy to counter strike with deadly efficiency


Viper Style of Kung Fu
-Dancing skills

Viper Style of Kung Fu-Flexibility-Agility-Speed-Reflexes-Stamina-Strength-Dancing skills

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