Chapter 2: Adjusting to freedom.

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She growled as she was woken up rudely by getting smack in the snout by a certain tailfin, to which she swiped at him. "Watch the claws! They've grown a lot since you've last been awake." Dark Knight huffed and playfully swatted at her back, which got her to grumble but roll onto her side lazily. "You've been asleep for two months, I would say congratulations but you're probably starving." Dark Knight commented and swatted at her snout, which made her sneeze twice because the first time she sneezed she sucked it back in weirdly.

She looked around the cave in slight amazement, it wasn't much, but Dark Knight seemed to have cleaned it up and nestling-proofed it while she was sleep. "You're already the size of a juvenile, yet you're still a nestling going into fledgling-hood." Dark Knight whined and swatted at her frill and she wondered if he had gotten more childish since she's last been awake. "Come, we need to teach you how to attach prey that fights back." Dark Knight suddenly turned and padded out of the cave, prompting her to follow him.

She pushed passed what she assumed he called vines and huffed as she padded after him quickly. "There are a variety of animals on this island; sheep, yak, deer, moose, rabbit, wolves, birds, and chickens. I would say the types of fish but we would be here forever if I did, so let's just say the variety of fish depend on where you live. So, most of the fish here are big in size so you'll be fine." Dark Knight prattled on and she resisted the urge to just wander away from him out of pure spite alone.

Regardless, he seemed to notice that he was boring her and got to the point of what he was saying. "Anyways, that's why there are so many dragons here, but they soon get chased off by larger dragons who want this island. That has, surprisingly, not startled the ecosystem, but you never know when the moose get desperate and....." Dark Knight looked over at her and she looked at him with a knowing look and this time he huffed. "Too young." He said before slowing down to a halt, causing her to mimick him and crouch down like he did.

She saw something that looked like a tall sheep without the fur and brown, also with sharp sticks on it's head. "That's an elk, there are some moose nearly but I want you to take on something....remotely....similar to your size." Dark Knight seemed to struggle to find the word to best fit what he was trying to say and she tilted her head before looking back at the supposed elk. It was bigger than the other deer, but smaller than the moose she could see with her other eyes, it helped to have multiple to see.

However, Dark Knight seemed to be disturbed at her awareness at what was around her, and she didn't understand why. She looked at him and closed her other eyes and he only tilted his head at her before returning his attention back to the elk. "Those are elk, every once and a while, some will fight back. I remember I was toying with an elk and got a nasty cut on my side by its antlers, I ended it quickly after that and haven't toyed with my food ever since." Dark Knight reminisced and she glanced at him from the corner of her eye.

He was looking up at the sky, most likely in thought, before he paid attention to the elk again. "Seems like we're not the only ones who want some elk." He glanced over at something in the bushes and she almost didn't see it, but she saw something that was much bigger than Dark Knight and instinctually cowered. "Relax, you're not his target." She poked her head out of the bush and it made a rustling sound that alerted the elk and the large dragon. She heard Dark Knight sigh and popped her head out of the bush.

She whimpered and she heard thunderous steps and the smaller steps of elk probably running away, hiding under Dark Knight's wing. The Night Fury seemed to try to subtly hide her, but it was hard to subtly hide someone who didn't blend in with your scales. "Dark Knight." A gruff voice said and she scurried into Dark Knight's side some more, to which he splayed out his wing over her more. "Flamecaller." Dark Knight greeted back, sounding just as irritated as Flamecaller seemed to be, if probably not more.

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