Chapter 1:

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And I'll watch as you fade from me

      A lonely White Spider Lily sat at the window sill of a little girls room

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      A lonely White Spider Lily sat at the window sill of a little girls room. It swayed in the wind, dancing in its pot along with the floral curtains. The small girl sat on the hardwood floor as she colored in a drawing she made. As she finished she lifted the art piece above her head looking at it as it blocked her light. Making sure she saw every spot and detail. She smiled when she realized... It was ready.

     She moved the paper back down as she quickly got up. Stepping over the markers, pencils, and stuffed animals that were littered on the floor. She giggled as she opened her door. She scanned the rooms upstairs looking for someone. A creak and the sound of their voice lead her to look down the stairs. She smiled wider than ever. Heading to the top of the steps, grabbing the railing with one hand as she prepared herself to run down.

      "Wait.. Please.. NO!" The shout stops her midway down the stairs. Then a loud boom reverberates in the house. The curious girl runs to where she heard the noise. The Kitchen. She gasped and froze. "Papa..." She dropped her drawing as she looked at her father laying on the ground. Motionless, blood seeping from his chest. The girl heard Someone move, she looked and saw a man in a mask. A strange floral symbol was embedded into his mask. He looked at the girl and pulled his gun back out, getting ready to aim it at her.

      The girl gasped, dropping the paper close to her father's hand. The girl booked it into the basement, locking the door behind her before she ran down the steps. She heard the man jostling at the doorknob soon banging on the door. Trying to open it as she ran deeper into the basement. Her heart was beating out of her chest as she stumbled to press the buttons on her dryer. A small beep is heard as it moves away from the wall. She crawls into the hidden room, using all her strength to pull the dryer back in place..

      She sat in the middle of the laboratory room. Using her hands to cover her mouth as she cried. She could hear the sound of the man turning the basement upside down. Throwing everything in his way. Trying to find her. As he closed in on the dryer, the sounds of sirens were heard in the distance. He grunts. Moving to the basement window. He pulls it open and climbs out. Once all was quiet, aside from the sirens. She lets out her sobs.

     She struggled to stand, using the desk next to her for help. She gazed at the plants that surrounded the lab. She dragged her heavy body to the entrance, pushing the dryer open with her body. Seeing the trashed basement before her. The sirens were right outside now. She dragged the dryer back in the same way. The sounds of the policeman shouting got louder as she got to the broken basement door. She didn't bother to look at the door as they started to slam it open. Instead she knelt by her father holding his cold hand as she sobs onto his knuckles.

     The Police rush in, seeing the girl gripping onto her father. "Hey, Kiddo... It's going to be okay..." An officer kneels next to her, giving her a moment to hold her father as the officer pats her back. The officer then pulls her away, carrying the girl away from the scene. She stares down and captures a glimpse of the bloodied drawing...

Spider-Lillies: Peter Parker x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now