Chapter 5:

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Get Some Sleep

You breathed heavily as you sat in front of the lab's entrance. You could only think about everything that occurred in the last hour. Shivering, wondering if they would be back to end you. What if they came back for your aunt as well?

Shaking as you began to stand up, making your way over to your desk. You sat on your chair as you pulled out your phone. The screen protector cracked from falling. You placed it down to charge. You lit up the screen of your laptop. Pulling up articles about your fathers old lab while the phone charged up. Finding every paper possible that spoke of the murder.

A cute little ring from your phone indicated it was back on. So you flipped it open to see the time, 1:47. It was late but it didn't matter. Not even the test you had early that morning. The one you put off studying for. Sighing as you pulled up the photos. Some were blurry and illegible. Considering the dark room and the low quality on your flip phone. You pulled out the charging cable from the outlet, connecting it to the laptop.

Downloading each of the photos to it. You found that the images had the dates and studies from your father. Albeit the old research, the ones he allowed for public knowledge. You knew there was more to his research but not even that was left to you. Brushing those few images to the side you found one that stood out. It discussed the events of your fathers murder. Like it was a planning sheet. There was no mention to you on it, like they didn't think you'd be there. You paused to think about the events of that morning.

You both woke up. Had breakfast, it was French toast. Your father just had a cup of coffee. Some of it was hazy after that, but it was a normal weekend of TV and watching your father move about his lab.

"You're going to spend the night at your aunties, okay?"

You remembered him saying that as you focused on the screen. You weren't supposed to be home, it was normal on sunday nights to spend it at your aunts. Shrugging the fact to the side. It wasn't that important. What's important is finding out why they killed him over his research. Looking through the rest, you found nothing. "Goddammit..."

You put your head in your hands for a moment before rubbing your tired eyes. You couldn't let yourself sleep just yet. You wrote down everything you read, anything that gave any sort of clue to why they murdered him. You scribbled away.

Waking up you found yourself sleeping with your head resting on the desk. You grabbed your phone and looked at the time, you were so late. You had messages from Peter asking if you were okay, seeing as though you hadn't stepped out of your house. You read on figuring he left for school without you. You got out of your chair as other texts filled your messages. He must've told the others..

You texted the group chat:

Sorry, not going to make it to school today. Not feeling the greatest.

They responded but you didn't bother to look, instead gazing back at your desk. It was a mess. Notes and papers littered the table more than normal. Crumpled up balls of paper by the trash can. Whatever, you'll deal with it later. You went upstairs for a cup of coffee. Or anything really. Just something to wake you. You stretched your sore limbs as you waited for the coffee to pour out.

Your stomach rumbled. With a sigh you opened the fridge. Finding leftover pizza. Letting out a disgusted sigh, 'We really need to actually make real food.' You thought. But alas, you were too lazy too, so you opened the box and took a slice.

While it heated up, you walked upstairs to grab your school bag. Pulling out your folder of assignments. You looked at the few blank papers from different classes. You dropped the folder and bag back on the ground. No way in hell were you going to do it now. Hearing the beeps from the microwave you go back down.

Settling in front of the TV. The decision on pizza and coffee was nasty. So you focused on the Coffee as you watched the News. Nothing but the weather report. You decided to read the messages.

Hope you get better! I'll have the notes ready for you to copy. -MJ

Let us know if you need anything, drink lots of water, tea, and eat some soup. -Harry

I can stop by if you need! Get some sleep. -Peter

Your attention was turned back to the TV as spiderman was mentioned. Live footage, again. You watched as the cameras tried to capture what was going on. You ignored it. Not feeling in the mood to watch the superhero. You turned off the screen. You wanted to know more about that group.

You know there wasn't anything your father had in regards to them. He never spoke about work to you, but why would he? You were too little to really grasp what was going on. You could try to ask your aunt. But she never really had an answer. It was like she was an outcast to his life. Your tiny self just wasn't interested to wonder why he did and researched what he did. Now you need to figure out what happened last night.

After ignoring it for so long, just what happened...?

Maybe it was something related to the plants they had been growing, perhaps they reacted to all the formulas they had about. But your body healing itself is what caught you off guard. Having zero explanations for it. You looked back to your arm, finding a faded scar. As if it had healed over a few months. It was the same for the other cuts.

You soon found yourself in your room, laying on the bed as you researched. Finding all of your fathers old coworkers. They were part of an organization, 'Naturex'. After more research you found not long after the killing of your father. They rebranded to the name 'Florae'. You scoffed. They sure moved on quickly. Perhaps wanting to change the name as soon as the controversy died down. The head of Naturex stepped down too. Or at least isn't CEO anymore.

It was the same man in the picture. The one that was on the cork board with your father. He used to be the CEO. Maybe if you dig up old photos and documents there might be more. You remembered your father would have dinners with his coworkers. But you were never allowed to interrupt. Having to stay quiet in your room or stay at your aunt's apartment.

A knock on your front door interrupted your thoughts. You sighed, pushing the laptop to the side as you walked away from your bed. You looked through the peephole. Finding Peter to be on the other side. He looked at the door as if he knew you were right there. You fixed your clothes and tucked a strand of hair away. Opening the door to be greeted with Peter.

"Hey!" He greeted you all bubbly. "Are you feeling a bit better?" Concern was laced in his tone. He looked at you worried. You nodded. "I'm feeling a little better." He smiled. "That's good, have you been sleeping? You look very tired."

"No, I haven't been able to."

He frowned. "Aunt May's tea might help, would you like me to make some? Or at least try to..." He softly chucked at the end. Knowing he wasn't the best in the kitchen, even over a cup of tea. You wanted to kick him out and go back to your research, but you couldn't do that to him. So you just nod, moving to the side for him to walk inside. "I'll go brew the tea then. You go lay down and I'll bring it to you."

Your eyebrows furrowed. Before you could ask he pulled a tin of tea out of his pocket. "I had the feeling you didn't sleep well." You smiled softly, "Thanks, Pete."

You went back upstairs, shutting your laptop and placing it on your desk. You collapsed on the bed. A few minutes after you heard Peter walk over with the tea and a bottle of honey.

He set them down on your nightstand. "Do you want me to grab anything else?" You shook your head. "No, thank you for the tea." He nodded. "Test was easy by the way, so don't stress when you get back to school, alright?"

You nodded, "Okay. Thanks Pete."

He grabbed your blanket and pulled it over you. "Call me if you need anything, sleep better."

Before he walked out, he caught a glimpse of all the papers on your desk, your scattered school bag on the ground. He knew something was up, but he didn't say anything. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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