Chapter 2:

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Flower in the Basement

You worked on a small project to understand the succulents a bit more

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You worked on a small project to understand the succulents a bit more. You watched as the damaged stems of the Crassula quickly healed. You cheered. "That's the fastest it's healed!" The stem was fully healed after a few minutes. Each plant is different. And you just found the best formula to head the damaged succulents. You place the vial lid back on. Not wanting it to spill out.

"Okay time to document this." you spun the chair to the laptop. Quickly, and carefully, writing down the perfected formula. Your cartoon was playing in the back, until you heard an alert. After you finished your sentence. And looked at the screen.

"Another fire is breaking out! This time at an elementary school." You looked at the screen with your eyebrows furrowed. "Hope the kids are okay..." You muttered as you watched. "We don't know if all the kids and staff are out yet." As the reporter looks at the fire. The firemen are seen running in. Teachers and students are seen off to the side shaking in fear. Someone walks over to the reporter to whisper something.

"Now it seems like there's a few students stuck inside! Will the firemen be able to save them?" You roll your eyes at her tone. "Come on lady, at least sound worried. It's not a contest to see if they can save them..." You groaned. You watched the screen some more. Unable to tear your eyes away, wanting those kids to be safe. As you watch, you and the people there watch as someone slams into a window to rescue the kids. "Woah... Spiderman.."

"Was that spiderman?!" The reporter asks. "Yeah I literally just said it was spiderman." you spoke as if she could hear you somehow. The hero quickly gets the three children out safely. Leaving everyone to cheer. You cheered in your head. Fangirling over the Superhero.

Spiderman has only been around for a month and New York was already loving him. Besides JJJ of course. And of course you were one of spidermans biggest fans. Quietly...

It would be embarrassing if the others found out you were mad crushing on a guy you couldn't even see the face of... Hell you've never had the fortune, or misfortune, of being saved by him. So you have no place to say your feelings. You'll get over it. Just like how you got over your best friends.

Yeah, a crush on Peter and Harry, two separate times... now that's crazy. 'Maybe i should aim for three, just start crushing on MJ too...' You joked bitterly in your head. You turned the tv off and moved back to your work. "I need to actually start on my portion of the project.." You pulled away from the desk. Standing up to stretch for a moment. Pushing the chair back under the desk. "Tomorrow I'll work on fixing the Peony's. They look a little sad..."

You looked at the light pink peonies, if only they could stay bloomed forever.

You walked out of the secret lab, just on time to step out of the basement. As your aunt opens the front door. "Hey Flower, I wasn't feeling the best so I'm home early..." she said as she rubbed her eyes and walked to the couch to lay down." You softly smiled at her. "Get some rest. I'm going to run some errands. Any requests?" You asked as you grabbed your sweater.

"Ice cream..."

You rolled your eyes. "Will do." You stepped out of the house, locking the door behind you. As you walked you watched Peter walk out of his garage. Groaning as he stretched his limbs. "You okay Pete?" You almost shouted from across the road. He looks up and smiles at you. He adjusts his glasses. "Yeah! Slept weird last night." You chuckled. He runs up to you. "Where are you headed?" He asks as he walks besides you.

"Grocery shopping. My aunt wants ice cream. Can't say no to that." He nods. "Can I join you?" You, of course, nodded. He smiles wider. "Sweet, I'll text May and see if she wants anything." He pulls out his phone to send a quick text, double checking to make sure the silencer is off so he can hear it. "Did you have a good day off from school?" He asks.

Some of the highschoolers were out for the day because of state testing. It was nice to have the day to yourself to work on projects and school work. "Yeah, I wish we could have more days off like this. I'm already almost done with my portion of the project." Pete nods. "Yeah, same here. Deadlines are getting close so I hope Harry has his portion done soon." you chuckled. "Yeah we don't want another incident." The last time you did a group project with Harry, let's just say he forgot some things. But his improv skills saved the presentation.

"Yea, good thing he's good at talking. Us two would have stood there looking awkward." You nodded, agreeing to his statement. "If only MJ was in our class. I only get to partner with her for English projects." you frowned. It would be ten times more fun if she was also in the project.

You and Pete continued to talk, even as you got to the store. Placing things in your basket. "Oh, aren't you looking into that gig with JJJ, the photographs?" You asked Pete. He nods. "Yeah, I just gotta find something he actually wants to see, but lately. It's all about spiderman." he says distastefully. Looks like he doesn't like how JJJ dislikes Spiderman. "Good luck with that. I imagine it's really difficult to catch good shots." Pete nods agreeing. "Yeah, but I've got this. I already have a few." Pete smirks. You chuckled, "No wonder why you're always missing, while Spidermans on the prowl."

He chuckles. "I'll show you them later, haven't gotten them printed quite yet."

"Okay, cool cool. Hope you can get those in." He thanks you.

You both walked home, carrying a couple of bags. "It was nice talking to you today, Pete. Good luck with JJJ."

"Thanks! See you tomorrow at school, oh and Mays cooking pesto pasta tomorrow night. You and your aunt are invited." You nodded. "We'll bring garlic knots then. Been wanting to make them all week." He smiles happily. Feeling like he won the lottery from you saying you'll show up. Even though you go over almost every other night.

"Night, Pete."

"Night, Y/n."

You walked into the house, closing the door and locking it behind you. Your aunt was still passed out on the couch. You shook your head with a smile. Setting down the bags in the kitchen before going back to the couch to drape the crocheted blanket over her. "Night, Auntie." You put the groceries away, worked on some assignments, And went to bed.

" You put the groceries away, worked on some assignments, And went to bed

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