The beginning

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Long ago before the World Tour events happened... Deep in the ocean was a kingdom called Techno Reef or Techno Kingdom
There were tiny mermaids called Techno Trolls.

The kingdom has two rulers, King Trollex and Queen Bubbles(my OC name) they loved their trolls and they loved their rulers. From King Trollex's side he has one younger brother named Prince Synth and younger sister Princess Bliss Marina.  He and his younger siblings were from the former rulers of the Techno Kingdom they passed away when Trollex was only 22 years old(my headcanon age for Trollex)

It was an early morning in the kingdom

In Queen's room

The queen has just laid the egg, it was a beautiful egg with pixelated patterns on it's shell. King Trollex was happy when he turned to look at Queen Bubbles whom was sleeping. King Trollex smiled softly and kissed her forehead for some sleep just then Prince Synth, Princess Bliss Marina came with their royal guard. When they saw the egg Synth used his Speed Skip to look at the egg and was excited "OH MY GOD! I can't wait to be an uncle!" Synth said circling around happily. Bliss Marina, the Royal guard and Trollex chuckled "Of course you are Synth" said Bliss Marina with a smile on her face. Synth kept circling around with excitement of about to be an uncle. "Woah little brother you need to calm down you might get dizzy" Trollex chuckled and looked at Synth and indeed Synth was dizzy now. His eyes circling around seeing some stars around. The three of them laughed softly and quietly that Synth was now very dizzy.

Bubbles slowly opens her eyes from her sleep and Trollex saw that his wife woke up "Morning my love" he kissed Bubbles forehead. "Morning Lex" Bubbles said with a smile. "Did you sleep well Bubbles?" Bliss Marina asked and looking at Bubbles "I did Bliss" Bubbles smiled warmly towards Bliss Marina and Bubbles looked at the Royal guard then looked back at the two standing beside her bed "My brother also came to see me, didn't he?" Bubbles asked softly and Bliss Marina nodded her head.

The Royal guard name was Jupiter he was 5 years older than Bubbles and he loves his sister so much and he also came to see the new laid egg.

The king and queen looked at the egg "Our lives will be great" Trollex said and Bubbles rested her head onto Trollex's chest "It will be" Bubbles replied back

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