The Horse and the Infant

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It took a little while for everyone to find their seats. Percy took his seat next to Annabeth, Hazel sat beside Frank, and Thalia ruffled Annabeth's hair as she sat next to the blonde. In the row behind them, Nico sat behind Percy, Jason sat on Nico's right, and Reyna took the seat to his left. Leo took the last seat on Jason's left.

Alyx stood in front of the screen, glancing at her watch, which was like nothing Percy had ever seen before. The watch was made out of celestial bronze and has clear quartz embroidered with clear quartz. "What's with the watch? Isn't time supposed to be paused here or something?"

Alyx jumped at the question. "Oh, my watch?" she said, hiding her hand behind her back. "It's nothing. Don't worry. Let's just start with the reaction, okay?"

Percy glanced at Annabeth, he knew that she was believing the girl for a second.

Alright, my brothers, listen closely

"Oh, it's started!" Frank looked at the screen to see a man's face.

Tonight we make the Trojans pay
Ten years of war, they've killed us slowly
But now we'll be the ones who slay

"Is that a horse?!" Hazel asked excitedly,  she thought about her horse friend, Arion. It's been a while since she's been able to visit him, her new position as Praetor has kept her busy.

Think of your wives and your children
Your families wonder where you've been
They're growing old and yet you're still here
Do what I say and you'll see them again

Most of the half-bloods in the room cringe, they have had their fair share of war. Piper didn't see her dad for months, Percy returned home after being missing for 8 months and when he returned home, he found out his mother was pregnant with his unborn sister.

Everyone in the room has a moment where they've wondered if they'll ever see their family and friends again.

Yes, sir

Diomedes will lead the charge
Agamemnon will flank the guards
Menelaus will let our men through the gates
To take the whole city at large
Teucer will shoot any ambush attack
And Little Ajax will stay back
Nestor, secure Helen and protect her
Neo, avenge your father, kill the brothers of Hector

Annabeth and Frank watched in awe as Odysseus strategised some of the most recognisable names in Greek Mythology. If Annabeth didn't know any better, she would have assumed that Odysseus was one of her siblings, his strategising was on par with a child of Athena.

Yes, sir

Find that inner strength now
Use that well of pride
Fight through every pain now
Ask yourself inside
What do you live for?
What do you try for?
What do you wish for?
What do you fight for?
What do you live for?
What do you try for?
What do you wish for?
What do you fight for?

Reyna smiled as she listened to Odysseus readying his men of battle, Reyna had led the Twelfth Legion to battle many times, she knew better than anyone, that morale is just as crucial as a good weapon.

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