cast off for fresher meat

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Rory's head was reeling when she left the diner to get to Lane's. When she got there, she walked right in without knocking.


"I'm in the kitchen!"

Rory made her way into the kitchen, waddling slightly but she'd never admit to it.

"I just saw Jess."

Lane looked up from what she was doing with wide eyes. She was sitting at the table, working over some kind of puzzle book.

"What? Where?"

"At Luke's."

"I thought you were waiting until tonight to tell him."

Rory had been going to visit Lane almost every day, now that she was living back in Star's Hollow full time. Lane had been a big help throughout her pregnancy and Rory thought it may have brought them even closer than before (if that was even possible). Lane was her emotional support human.

"I was but he showed up early," Rory said sitting down opposite Lane.

"What did you say?"

"Oh, that I was a mule for a black market cantaloupe smuggling ring."

Lane was obviously confused.

"You did not."

"I did."

"I'm assuming he didn't believe that?"

"Because I don't seem like the type to turn to a life of crime?" Rory said smiling.

"Yes, that's why. So did you tell him-"

"That Logan's the father? No. No I did not."

"Did he ask about the father?"

"No I ran out of there pretty quickly."

"That's rotten luck, I'm sorry sweets," Lane said shaking her head.

"Oh it's fine. At least it's over now right? Oh yeah, did I mention I hid in the kitchen?"

"No you did not mention that," Lane cringed.

"Well, I hid in the kitchen," Rory said showing embarrassment.

"Naturally, and how did that come to be?" Lane asked like a therapist.

"Well Luke saw him out the window and warned me and I freaked and he hid me in the kitchen."

"Uh, huh."

Rory filled Lane in on the rest of the dramatic scenario and stayed to hear about the boys and the band and such. When she left, she had just enough time to get back to her place and get ready for dinner. Lorelai was coming to pick her up when she got off work.

"Oh you look cute!", Lorelai said when she walked through the door of Rory's apartment.

"So do you!"

"Well where do you think you got it from."

Rory had put on a tight, calf length, grey t-shirt dress with a loose knit pullover sweater on top, that had all different shades of grey woven into it, and white tennis shoes. Lorelai was wearing a brightly coloured blouse, with loafers to match, and sensible, high-waisted, black, dress pants.

"Hopefully this little one carries on the tradition, or else Great Grandma Emily will have a hissy-fit," Lorelai said speaking in a baby voice and poking Rory's belly.

Lorelai tried to react well when she found out about the pregnancy but Rory knew that deep down, her mother had a hard time with it. Lorelai did not want to be the same as Emily but she wanted better for her daughter than what she had gotten. This presented itself in avoidance, denial, and misplaced aggression. Others must have noticed because Luke (who had been overjoyed from the beginning), walked Rory home one day and told her all about how much her mom cared and why she was acting strangely and that she would come around. Rory always assumed that he had gone home and had a real heart to heart with his wife because the next day, Lorelai's mood had improved greatly, and it stayed like that.

"Ready to go?"

"Yeah, all good."

On the way to the house, the ladies discussed their days with lots of sarcasm and exaggerations.

"So you slipped on grease and knocked empty pots out of the pantry?", Lorelai asked incredulously.

"Yes I did indeed."

"This is why there is no place for us in the kitchen, even when hiding from ex-boyfriends."

"I have learned my lesson."

"Hey how's the work on the nursery going? If you don't do something soon, Luke's going to come over and do all of it in your sleep," Lorelai said, changing the subject.

"It's going."

"How much do you have done?"

"Absolutely nothing."

"Oh Rory-"

"I'm going to get it done I'm just-"


"Planning," Rory said, shooting Lorelai a glare.

"Well whatever you're doing, you better hurry it up because at this rate that baby is going to be sleeping on the floor," Lorelai said, parking her car on the driveway.

Rory didn't have time to retort because her mother was already up and out of the car. Luke, having heard the car pull in and seeing Lorelai get out, came rushing out the door, scolding his wife for not helping Rory out of the car. He met his step-daughter half way down the path and made her take his arm.

"Where's Jess?" Lorelai called from where she was standing looking over the pots on the stove, as the other two came into the kitchen.

"He's over at Babette's," Luke answered, "Maury's leg is sore again so he's bedridden and Babette needed some lights changed."

"Why didn't she just ask you?"

"I think I'm getting too old for her. I've been cast off for the fresher meat."

"You better watch out or mom will do the same thing," Rory cut in smirking as she leaned against the counter on the far end of the kitchen.

"Never!", Lorelai gasped holding Luke like he was an injured child.

"Hey!", a voice called from the door. In came Jess who immediately brightened when he saw Lorelai, and said again "Hey," as he pulled her in for a quick hug.

Rory straightened and he made his way around the table to do the same to her.

"You still feeling alright? No changes in your state of consciousness since I last saw you?", he asked, giving her a once over.

"Not that I know of. What about you? Babette didn't take any bites out of you did she?", Rory asked, doing the same thing.

"No, I escaped unscathed this time."

"Very good."

They smiled at each other amused.

"Well I've got everything ready, if others sit down, I can serve," Luke said, looking up from the stove.

Jess made his way over, "Let me help with that." 

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