you coming to tell me you're getting married?

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Eventually the Chinese takeout arrived and conversation faded in and out, featuring Logan inserting himself wherever he could.

As Luke began clearing the plates and takeout boxes, Logan cleared his throat.

"Well I really appreciate you guys having this dinner for me," he said.

Rory smiled tightly and looked down at her lap while Lorelei tried not to look embarrassed for him.

"Actually Logan," Rory began, "we had this dinner to celebrate Luke's and my mom's wedding anniversary."

Luke smiled at Logan nervously.

"But we're really glad you could join us," Lorelei tried.

"Yes! Of course! Congratulations," Logan said, hoping to recover.

The awkward silence only lingered shortly as Lissy broke in with a strong wail.

"Guess that means dinner." Rory said getting up to tend to her daughter, "Jess can you get her bottle warmed up for me?"

"Sure thing."

Rory moved into the other room and Jess got started with the bottle, but before he could finish, Logan was following Rory.

Jess turned and gestured questioningly towards Logan, causing Luke and Lorelei to display their equally confused expressions. Jess tried to peek around the corner at the blonde but he couldn't really see. He simply rolled his eyes. Luke proceeded to fix Lorelei with an accusatory glance. She made a motion back that seemed to say "what did you expect me to do", and Luke sat down in a huff. Luke would have thrown Logan out on his ass. So would've Jess. They both new that would make the whole situation an even bigger mess but that's what they kept the Gilmore girls around for. To keep their common sense in check. The irony was blatant.

Jess made eye contact with Lorelei and she mouthed "I'm sorry" at him. He stared at her sternly, grabbed the warm bottle, and walked out of the kitchen hoping to leave Lorelei with an "I'll deal with you later" impression.

"Here you go baby," Jess said, handing Rory the bottle.

"Baby?" Logan questioned. He was sitting on the couch, but he had turned his body to face Rory who was sitting in the chair.

"So are you two, like a thing?" Logan finished.

Jess made a face as if he was amusingly disappointed in Logan, that was almost mirrored on Rory's face.

"Yes. Jess and I are seeing each other," Rory said resolutely.

"Wow! And here I was, flying in from London to ask you to marry me."

Jess and Rory both froze.

So many things I could say right now. So. Many. Things. Jess thought.

"Aren't you married?" Rory finally said.

Yep, that was one of them.

"Divorced actually. It was a two month marriage that lasted two months too long if you ask me."

"We weren't," Jess said.

"You weren't what?"


"Logan can I talk to you outside please," Rory said suddenly and in a clipped tone.


Rory handed the baby and the bottle off to Jess and headed towards the front door. She opened it and held it open expectantly. Logan stood up slowly, keeping his eyes on Jess, but before he could say anything, Rory shouted at him from the door.

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