gin(ger ale) and cranberry

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"Hey Luke," Rory called as she came through the door to the diner.

"Hey Rory," he responded smiling, "here have a seat," he gestured to a seat at the counter after a brief hug.

"Can I get you anything?"

"How about your nephew's sorry behind down here so we're not late to my own baby shower."

"Oh you guys are going together?"

"Yeah. Lane is helping Paris set up and I'm not going to let Jess walk in there un-guarded. He knows all of this."

"Last I was up there, he was working on his hair. How much do you want to bet he's still doing so."

"I heard that," Jess shouted bounding down the stairs.

Rory laughed as Luke beelined it for the kitchen when Jess's death stare came around the corner.

"Hello Rory," he said standing behind the counter, still glancing over his shoulder at Luke.

"Hello Jess."

Rory had the sudden and easily squash-able desire to lean over the counter to kiss him, like it was the most natural thing to do. It was a gut reaction left over from many years ago but it was undeniable.

"You ready to go?," she said, snapping herself out of it.

"Yeah," Jess said shaking his head distractedly.

Truth is, Jess had been feeling the exact same magnetism. He had been so close to leaning down over the counter. If it hadn't been for the massive baby bump that separated them, he may not have stopped himself.

The two of them actively distracted themselves by talking about the books they had read recently while "Girl From Mars" played on the car radio. When they reached the venue, the subject had been almost completely forgotten.

"We must have the wrong address," Rory said.

"My phone says this is the place. I double checked I got it right."

The two were staring at a big victorian mansion.

"Uh, Rory," Jess said, looking out the top of his windshield.

Rory mimicked his actions and noticed something she hadn't before. At the top of the front wall of the house hung a banner that read "Congratulations Rory". Earlier it must have been concealed by the trees.

"Oh my god," she said as Jess started laughing.

"Well at least we know we have the right place," he said, trying to keep his composure.

Rory hit him and then got out of the car, unable to take her eyes off the horrid banner.

They could hear loud music booming from the house that did not match the atmosphere. Jess shot Rory a suspicious glance. As they walked through the door, the sound hit them in the face as well as the laser beam lights and smell of alcohol.

"Oh!," Rory exclaimed, half shocked and half nauseous.

The words "What has Paris done this time?" flashed through Rory's mind, and the same words were written all over Jess' face.

"Rory! You made it," Paris shouted as she moved down the hallway. She was wearing black dress pants and a blouse with geometric shapes in sharp colours. Jess noticed when they hugged that her outfit greatly contrasted Rory's pastel polka-dotted, almost vintage, dress.

"Well it is a party for my baby," Rory said grinning stiffly.

"And Jess," Paris continued, ignoring her, "it's been too long."

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