CHAPTER EIGHT: Secrets you'll have to know

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Glace spent his afternoon reading a book in his room, knowing Brent would be in the living room, probably watching TV and texting. He didn't enjoy watching TV with Brent because they always argued about which channel to watch, which he thought was a waste of time. But as he read, he couldn't concentrate on the words. The incident at the park kept interrupting his thoughts, pulling him away from the images the story was creating in his mind.

The cold feeling in his chest from the other day hadn't gone away. It only spread and worsened, making him think he might have a fever.

'Are you blind, or do you simply refuse to believe that it's me talking?'

'I just can't control it, but I wouldn't harm anyone unless I wanted to.'

In frustration, Glace tossed the book onto the nightstand. Whispers and memories flooded his mind. He felt dizzy and sick, just like when he couldn't go to the beach with Mr. Bell, his mom, and Brent. He was afraid he might pass out.

'Or like me, with magical abilities.'

The man's voice from the fountain echoed in his head, along with the sound of the ravens.

Groaning, Glace wrapped his hands around his throbbing head. He felt nauseous and cold at the same time. He collapsed onto his bed, struggling to breathe. His heart felt brittle, as if it might break into frozen pieces. Sweat trickled down his forehead. He felt like his energy was draining, forming in his chest as a solid mass, as if it were going to burst out of him.

Despite feeling dizzy, he managed to get up and sluggishly made his way to the bathroom, hoping the water would help. The sun blazed through the open window, but looking at it made him feel even more dizzy. The heat seemed to melt his strength, transforming it into droplets of sweat.

Mr. Bell's voice echoed in his mind, mingling with the other voices in his head.

'You'll have to figure it out on your own.'

Out of nowhere, an image of his dad appeared in his head, reminding him of his dream—his dad shattering like a mirror, and him feeling he would freeze to death.

"Dad," he whispered.

He stumbled and hit a chair with his foot. His vision blurred, and it got dark. He felt something cold and slippery as he fell to the floor. But he kept crawling towards the bathroom. The sounds of the day faded, and a buzzing sound filled his ears.

"Please, make it stop," he cried.

A faint knock came from the door, barely audible to him. He glanced at the locked door, hoping that someone would come to help him.

"Glace?" a voice called, but Glace could no longer recognize who was speaking. His senses were hardly functioning. "Open the door."

He saw the person's shoes entering his room as the door opened. He struggled to keep his eyes open, but they kept closing.

A faint voice from Mr. Bell came up. "Glacier!"

Mr. Bell rushed into the room and quickly closed the door behind him. Glace lay on the floor, and a bright light, like a northern light, emanated from his chest. The same strange light filled the now-frozen room.

Mr. Bell walked over to him, gaping at the mysterious sight. The boy on the floor was pale white, his hair turning silvery. A bright blue crystal floated above Glace, humming with energy that seemed eager to break free.

Glacier Frost and the chronicles of the two kingdomsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant