CHAPTER TEN: The Moon and the Abyss of Truth

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If there was one thing Glace wanted to do right away, it was to return to their camping area. No one would want to be lost in a dark forest, no matter how beautiful it appears during the day.

"If only I had brought a flashlight," he grumbled.

"You should have thought of that earlier," Brent replied, slapping at his bare arms. "You should not have come to find me."

"But you would be lost here all by yourself."

"Then we're both lost now," said Brent irritably. "That doesn't make things any better. Mr. Bell must be worried right now."

"Maybe we could still find the right way." Glace sighed. "I swear I scattered petals to help me find my way back," he said as he slowed down and lowered his head to look down at the ground.

"That wouldn't help," Brent stated. "It's dark now. We're close, so just keep an ear out for voices or water."

"There's literally no sound around except for mosquitoes. Why don't we go back to that cliff?"

"And what? Jump to reach the shore?" Brent snapped. "You midget, that is not a good idea. You'll fall to your death. That's far too high."

"I didn't say we should jump," Glace murmured. He thought maybe they could find another way down to the shore or call Mr. Bell from the cliff, but he didn't say it.

They continued on their way back, occasionally hitting and killing mosquitoes on their skin. Glace thought they were getting further and further away. As far as he could remember, he had not walked this far before.

Finally, darkness fell.

Brent pointed. "That mound. I remembered it while walking up here. I think this is the right way."

Glace sighed. He didn't want to inform his brother that he had seen more than one mound on his way, so the fact that it was the same one Brent had seen was not particularly reassuring. He stamped his foot on the mound and regretted it when ants crawled up his legs under his pants. His socks didn't help.

"Hurry up!" Brent yelled. He wiped the ants away as he ran after his brother.

Crickets started chirping when they moved along.

"We're just getting lost," Glace said.

"Well, then, help me find our way."

He knew he couldn't help him, so he followed him instead, occasionally sprinting to catch up.

The moon glowed halfway on the horizon, while the foliage above the trees occasionally hid its light as they swayed. He almost bumped into Brent's back when Brent stopped in his tracks. He was gazing around, cursing under his breath.

"What's the matter?"

Brent led the way, and with a swipe of his hand on the leaves dangling in front of them, they found themselves in a small clearing.

"We're totally lost," Glace said. He turned to face Brent, expecting him to say something.

"Next time, don't follow me. Do you get it?" Brent clenched his teeth as he sat down on the grass, anxious.

"Can you please stop telling me what to do? I'm not eight or anything. I'm twelve," Glace said irritably. "Maybe we can just stay here until the morning."

"Yeah? And perhaps Mr. Bell and Edu had already left us alone and reported missing children in the forest. Not to mention I'm hungry." Just as he said it, Glace remembered the feeling of hunger. His stomach started growling. Or was it?

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