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Foxy: AHOY!!!

Freddy: Hey Foxy, what's with all the energy?

Chica: Lefty gave him a hug this morning

Freddy: Ohhh, makes sense, Where is Lefty anyway?

Chica: Goood question-

Bonnie: He's on the roof

Freddy: Ohh

Freddy: Wait-


Bonnie: Foxy is with him


Bonnie: They are watching the sunrise together

Freddy: Oh- but we have.. Windows

Goldie: The view from up here is so much better

Freddy: Aren't you guys cold?

Lefty: Y e s-

Lefty: ..Not anymore

Freddy: I- how?

Goldie: Foxy and Lefty are sharing a hoodie together

Chica: Send pictures later!!

Foxy: Aye!!

Bonnie: Where did the pancakes go?-

Freddy: Mike took them

Bonnie: ...Where is he?

Freddy: At his house.

Bonnie: ...ROAD TRIP!!

Goldie: But it's cold-

Chica: And we can't drive!!

Freddy: ...I'll get the keys

Goldie: Since when can you drive?!

Freddy: ..Since Forever?

Foxy: So aye can send ye to the store Cap'n?

Freddy: Depends on what you need

Foxy: Chocolate coins-

Freddy: ...Why?

Foxy: Lefty smiles when he gets one- it be a sight aye love seeing.

Freddy: ...I'm getting them just so I can see that

Lefty: Please don't-

Foxy: Please, lad?..

Lefty: ...Okay

Chica: On another note- MADE MORE PANCAKES!!!

Mike: I heard pancakes

Lefty: No!

Mike: Nobody asked you, Dollar store bear.

                 -Lefty has left the chat

Foxy: ....Ye made him sad.

Mike: ...Good?

Foxy: You have five seconds to apologize before I run over there and drag you out of the house by your ear with my hook.

Freddy: ..Foxy is scary when he's mad

Mike: I'm not apologizing for shit! That place is crowded enough as it is, I don't want him there.

Bonnie: Michael, You will apologize. I will not have you disrespect my band mate like that, Especially after he went out of his way last night just to deliver your check to your house.

Mike: You guys can't drive-

Bonnie: He. Walked. For. 4. Hours.

Mike: ...Fine! I'm sorry.

Foxy: Now, if aye see ye act like that again. Aye will make Ye be sorry.


              -Foxy has added Lefty to the chat

Lefty: hehehe, thank you!!!

Freddy: Oh my God my heart...

Chica: Aw..

Bonnie: ..I see what Foxy means

Foxy: Aye told ye-

Foxy: ....*foxy.exe has shut down*

Chica: What happened?

Goldie: Lefty kissed his cheek to say thank you

Freddy: Hehehehhehe

Goldie: And Freddys-

Bonnie: Lefty just hugged me-

Freddy: How did it feel?

Bonnie: ...Buy chocolate again.

Freddy: I'm guessing you liked it!

Bonnie: He smells like Cinnamon...

Foxy: Aye know right?!!

Chica: Favoritism.

Goldie: ....I love you guys

Freddy: I-...Love you too buddy

Bonnie: ...Group photo?

Chica: I'm down

Foxy: Aye!!

Freddy: Sure!

Lefty: I'll take the photo! ...Also I um..Love you guys.called?

Foxy: A-aye

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Foxy: A-aye..

Freddy: I've never seen Foxy smile like that before-

Lefty: ...Love that smile...

Freddy: Have you seen him smile like that?-

Lefty: Every night before I go to bed

Goldie: Awwww...

Chica: ..Foxy clearly has a favorite

Foxy: No aye don't-

Chica: Lefty is shirtless behind you.

Foxy: Aye not falling for...

Freddy: ...Is he Okay?

Bonnie: ...Who knows

Foxy: This be the best day of my life.

Freddy: What happened?

Goldie: He got to make Lefty giggle and see him shirtless


Goldie: We are in the kitchen

Freddy: SAY LESS!!

Nightmare: PENIS!!!!!!

Bonnie: NO!

                   -Freddy has disabled the chat

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