~Chapter 46: THE meeting~

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It had been about a month since our last meeting which we all found very odd.

Me and the group were currently sat in the hallways near the room of requirements when we all saw Luna and hermione walking very quickly down another corridor and headed towards the entrance to the big room.

Just then a door appeared and they both looked around to see if anyone saw them so we all hid so they didn't see us before they entered the room.

We all came out of hiding and Blaise was the first to speak up saying "what the fuck was that" "I have no idea" pansy replied to the boy.

Just as I was about to speak up I felt my left arm burn.


"Erm guys please tell me you feel it as well" I said looking up at mattheo, Theo, Draco and Enzo.

"Yeah I do"
"Fuck that shit hurts" they all said one after another.

"Let's go" mattheo said pulling me into him as we headed to malfoy manor.

"Fuck. This is it guys" Enzo said looking at us with fear in his eyes. "Yep it is dude" Theo said nodding his head in agreement.


And just like that we were all sat in the meeting. THE meeting. Yes you know which one I'm on about.

"I have assembled you all here on this fine day to announce the war that is to start in 2 weeks" the grey man smiled showing his grimy teeth at all of us.

I looked up next to bellatrix and saw snape looking straight at me with a soft smile of reassurance. What the? Did snape just smile? No. No. He couldn't have.

Just then I got pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the dark lord say "we must kill Harry Potter" with an evil smirk. I looked up at the cold man thing with my heart racing.

I could tell he was trying not to look at me as his eyes wondered everywhere in the room but at me.

My mind was racing with thoughts and nothing could stop it. I felt physically sick.

"Excuse me" I said standing up and running out of the room to the nearest bathroom I could find.

I could hear mattheo following me from behind.

Once I reached the bathroom I bent over the toilet and violently threw up.

"Shit baby you okay" mattheo said racing in and holding back my hair whilst rubbing my back. I just nodded in response before throwing up again.

My body started shaking and feeling weak at the loss of liquid and foods in my body. I had officially reached rock bottom.

"Inola dear here you are" narcissa said running into the bathroom with a glass of water and placing it on the ground next to me, along with a banana. "There's a glass of water for you and a banana to help settle your stomach dear okay" "thank you" "your welcome and mattheo if you need anything just let me know" "will do thank you Mrs malfoy". She gave us a sweet smile then left.

I tried to take a sip of my water but it just came straight back up.

I started to cry until my eyes physically burned because of how hard I was crying.

"Hey hey shhh come here baby it's okay. Your okay. I won't let him hurt your brother. I promise" mattheo whispered into my ear as Enzo came running to see us.

"Bloody hell it stinks in here you good girl" Enzo said standing at the door. "Shit Nola you do not look good"

"Enzo seriously"
"Sorry mate. AMA just... okay am gunna go meet you back at school guys"

After about 10 more minutes of throwing up there was nothing left in my system to get out so mattheo decided that now would be a good time to head back to school.

We got back to my dorm and he laid me down in my bed and gave me a potion to help me sleep by my request.


Once she had fallen asleep after having the potion she asked for, not taking no for an answer, I made sure she was comfortable then headed out of the common room to find Harry.

I knocked on the gryffindoor common room door waiting for someone to let me in when Ron opened it up.

"Ron hi erm is Harry here?"
"Yeah he is. What's it to you?"
"I need to speak to him. It's important"
"Yeah not gunna happen riddle"
"Please Ron. Please"
"Fine this way"

I followed Ron through the common room getting some very confused looks as I followed the red head.

We went up some stairs and finally reached the top floor before Ron unlocked the door and walked in.

"Erm Harry someone's here to see you"
"If it's Inola tell her to piss off"
"It's not Inola" Ron replied whilst letting me past him and into the room before walking back out.

"What do you want riddle. If it's about Inola I don't care"
"It's not about her okay so leave her out of this. It's about you"

Now I've got his attention.

"Go on..."

Here goes nothing.

"Okay so erm basically my farther called us for a meeting about an hour ago to discuss one of his plans and let's just say that the plan Inola came up with. Isn't going to work. He wants you dead Harry. The war is going to happen. In 2 weeks."

"How do I know I can trust you"
"Do you really think I would snitch on my dad for no apparent reason. Really?"

No response. Great.

I pulled out a truth potion from my back pocket and took a sip before saying everything again.

"my farther called us for a meeting about an hour ago to discuss one of his plans and let's just say that the plan Inola came up with. Isn't going to work. He wants you dead Harry. The war is going to happen. In 2 weeks."

"Now do you believe me?" I questioned. "Erm yeah yeah I mean I have to you just took a truth potion infront of me so yeah I believe you" he replied.

"Good now I'm going to go Inola to make sure she's alive after throwing up the entirety of her stomach content" I said before walking out of his dorm and raced back to the common room.

I ignored everyone in the common room and raced to Inolas dorm to see if she was okay.

I walked in and saw her still sound asleep peacefully.

I got changed and climbed in bed next to her and pulled her back into me and drifting off to sleep myself.


Word count: 1138

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