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Book: Vengeance

Author: @onomoopoly


I like your book cover and title, but in your blurb you say that "one day leave someone you love to have someone you loved" which is in my opinion very blurry and narrow. What do you mean by this? Did he leave his present  lover for ex? If that the case then write it directly like that because in the way you did it felt quite misunderstanding. I saw a lot of "as" As we moved, As I stepped, As I did try using another word to refer to it.

In the chapter that followed, you wrote ??pov what's the meaning? Where you trying to keep the person's identity secret? Then better write it in third person singular, better write the whole story in third person pov since it has a lot of characters rather than putting more than five different first person pov. Nevertheless, your writing style is good, but perfection doesn't exist and I feel like your plot isn't enigmatic and conversations among characters not fluent enough. Try to work on that.

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