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New Orleans, 1910.
Later On That Night.

Since it was her birthday, Mr. Jackson had allowed Beyoncé to put on a special performance. He was a cruel man who already wasn't happy about letting a colored woman work in his club, but she brought in big money, so....he decided to be nice.

As Beyoncé walked down the street taking in the cities lights, music and smell, she began to sing to herself.

"My Cheri Amour, Lovely as a summer cheri amour, distant as the Milky Way..."

Just as she turned the corner, it started to drizzle.

Shit, my hair! She thought.

Suddenly, the rain stopped. Bey began to look up and there stood a man holding an umbrella over her.

"Oh thank you sir." Bey smiled nervously.

"Of course Ma Cheri. Can't let a beautiful woman like you get soaked." He smiled and held out his hand.

"Lestat De Lioncourt" he said.

She took his hand. "Beyoncé Giselle Beyincè".

He began to lead her. Already knowing where she was going, but she didn't think to question it.

"I heard your voice. Are you a singer?"

He asked already knowing the answer. Lestat had been obsessing over her since he first seen her perform. A month ago at the Stratford House, he became utterly infatuated with her. He knew today was her birthday and wanted to finally introduce himself.

"Yes, actually I'm on my way to work right now at the Stratford house. Do you like music?" She asked.

"Why yes. It's my favorite thing on this planet. If you'd like, I'll take you to the opera sometime." He said knowing she had always wanted to go.

He's been reading her mind for some time now.

"Oh my god, yes! Oh Lestat where have you been all my life??! Haha" she smile leading her side into him further as they walked.

Lestat smiled to himself.


As Louis walked into the Stratford house, his calm demeanor immediately turned sour once he saw her with a white man.

His untouched rose, arm and arm laughing and smiling with a blue eyed devil.

Awl hell nah.

He marched up to them, startling Bey.

"Oh hey Mr. Louis, I didn't know you'd be here tonight" she said nervously feeling Shame that someone other than her friends or strangers would see her here.

"I could say the same bout you Ms. Beyincè. Didn't know you had a gentleman caller" he said clenching his jaw.

"Oh I'm just a friend, unless Ms. Giselle would like to change that." Lestat laughed with Bey.

"Oh louis come sit with us before I go on please, Lestat got us a table on the terrace." Bey smiled.

But her smile turned to a frown just a quick when she seen Ms. Lily approaching.

Lestat locked his gaze on Ms. Lily, as did Louis, making Bey slightly jealous. It felt almost as if they had forgotten all about her.

Ms. Lily didn't care for modesty. Cleavage fully exposed, corset pulled tightly with her curls lightly dusting her neckline. Louis was practically undressing her. And while Lestat was tempted by her as well, he noticed both Bey's discomfort and Louis' attraction. He knew how they both felt about eachother and wanted to weaponize Ms. Lily.

ON THE RUN | LOUIS DE POINTÈ DU LACDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora