The dunes of Tatooine

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Henry tried, he really did. Not his fault that flat looking sand from up top would be many piles of sand. But who is to blame does not matter. All that matters is that one of the wings of his ship was broken. His old ship was a troop transporter that he stole of the empire when he got captured for leaving a "Return Dead" person alive.

Getting out of the ship to see the specific damage, he noticed that old Tardigrade could still fly. It wouldn't be going off planet until the wing could be repaired, less he wishes for his engine to break. He hoped to avoid landing in Mos Eisley. But there is no point worrying about it. As Henry went into the ship, he just hoped that the empire didn't recognize his vessel.
Landing into the ship docks the worker immediately recognized what was wrong as Henry jumped out of the ship. "Dunes look flatter than they appear don't they?" The worker asked, "Yep, happy to know I ain't the first" Henry said with a laugh. "So you just need your left wing fixed?" The worker asked taking a look at their sheet. "That will be all". "That will be three hundred credits!" the worker said with a smile.

Henry proceeded to look at the worker, a human shaped entity with six arms, like they had thirty arms. "Three hundred credits!?" Henry yelled out. "Three hundred credits could get me a whole new wing!" Henry said staring into the workers eyes. Shrugging the worker simply said, "That's what it costs, if you don't like it you can leave" "Then I will" Henry said storming into his ship.

Getting scammed was something that Henry absolutely hated. Luckily on the other side of the planet there was another ship, this one hopefully cheaper. "Wait!" the worker said waving his arms before Henry could leave, "I'll go to two hundred credits" the worker said hoping to keep the customer. "One fifty" Henry responded, landing the ship again. "One ninety" the worker responded, "One eighty five" Henry said back, "Deal"

Leaving the ship in four capable hands, Henry left to Mos Eisley, happy that he got a good price, and it was something that the bounty he was on would more than pay for. Walking into the bar Henry got his lucky break. Siting right at the bar was a blue man who looked exactly similar to his bounty. Double checking this time, the bounty would pay four hundred credits for the man dead. Walking over and taking a drink, Henry started to chat with the man, as well as getting him drunk.

Inviting the man to go outside to see something, the man whole heartedly agreed. He was a bit to trusting for a man with a bounty on his head but hey, Henry thought, money is money. Taking him outside Henry quickly took out his blaster shooting him. The man realizing what was happening quickly said, "You have the wrong person! It's my brother you want, I put up the bounty!" The man spat out.

"That's what they all say," Henry said finishing the man off. Taking out his communicator, Henry sent a message to the client that the person was gone, and to send him the credits. Then the oddest thing happened. The communicator on the dead man pinged. Hoping he was wrong, Henry took the communicator from the dead man, checking the notifications.

Henry then saw his message was the one that pinged the man, and that he had just killed his client. Hearing a ruckus, Henry turned around to see another man, who also looked exactly like the blunt start to storm into the bar.

Thinking quickly, Henry shot the actual bounty, the used his brother's communicator to wire him the payment and tell the bounty association that the job was completed. Henry would not loose his record to identical twin. Walking turning around and walking back to his ship, Henry began to think of the story he could tell about how the client unfortunately died in the crossfire.

It had taken a few hours to get the client to trust him, he was very chatty, so the ship should be just about done. However to his horror, the dock was loaded with storm troopers. Checking out his ship.

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