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"My name is Amanda Coreen Hardin" the girl said removing her helmet, her hair flowing down afterwords. "Heh," Henry responded checking the communicator for his next destination, "You must from somewhere wealthy to get three names, I could barely get one" Henry then put up his communicator, getting the next target in Geonosis, it was close, and he could pick up some droid parts for his collection. "As you have said I am a Jedi padawan, though I must ask how did you know?" Amanda asked, "You just told me, and I can see your lightsaber" Henry said  turning to point towards Amanda's waist. Looking at it Amanda exclaimed,  "How did you see it when no other stormtrooper has?"Amanda asked. "Stormtroopers are very blind" Henry said looking at Amanda, "I thought you would know this" Henry said twisting his head back around to focus.

"Anyways" Amanda said trying to steer the conversation back on topic, "There is a Jedi hub I need to go to" Amanda said getting off the chair and looking at Henry, "You seem experienced enough to take me there, so please" Amanda begged Henry.

"Two things" Henry said while putting in the coordinates for Geonosis, "First if there was some hub of the Jedi either I would have heard of it, or the empire would have heard of it taking it down" Henry's words fell on deaf ears as he continued, "Second, why would I do that?"  Henry asked Amanda. "For the good of the galaxy and the people, also to do the right thing" Amanda said looking dead on at Henry. "Fine" Henry said, as long as it's not too out of the way.

"You will not regret this decision" Amanda said solemnly, "The location is Dantooine"  "DANTOOINE!" Henry yelled quickly turning around, "Are you insane? That planet is in the middle of nowhere, not to mention on the other side of the galaxy!" Henry yelled pointing at his map to show her.

"Yes, that is why I need someone experienced to take me there" Amanda said to Henry not taking in how much effort would be needed to get there from where they were. Feeling like he was going insane Henry told Amanda, "It would take several months to get there if, we had infinite fuel, could continually stay in light speed, have no stops, and no need for food and water" Henry told her with labeled breaths from how long he was talking. "But because we're alive and all, it's may take a whole year, and for what again?" "Knowing how you have helped me and the people of this galaxy" Amanda said, thinking that Henry was going to agree.

"You seem very sure of yourself that you are going to make a impact of the galaxy" Henry quipped at Amanda, "Knowledge doesn't feed you, if it did I would be full from all the stories and rumors I've heard" Henry said tiredly, "Look, I'll drop you off at Geonosis, and you can find your paragon to help you" Henry said returning to the captains seat. "There is a ten million credit bounty on Dantooine if you can bring a padawan" Amanda said, her face unchanging, "Well maybe you could do some good for the galaxy" Henry said quickly changing his mind at the mention of ten million credits.

"It is going to take a while, and I still need credits to pay for food," Henry said looking at Amanda, "So you need to help me do my job" Henry said deciding on what will happen. "So it must be" Amanda said with a sigh, "May I know my ship mates name?" "Henry" he said trying to plan out how to get to Dantooine in the fastest and safest way. "Henry, what?" Amanda said looking for his last name, "Just Henry" he replied.

"First stop Geonosis!" Henry said engaging the hyperdrive. "Don't you need another pilot to drive this?" Amanda asked worriedly, "Nonsense!" Henry said grabbing a random stick next to him and flicking the necessary buttons. "So where might my bed be?" Amanda asked, "Before I do that can you stay into the seats?" Henry asked about to put the ship into hyperspace. "What seat?" Amanda asked looking around. "Oh, you see the pile with the satellite peeking out of it?" Henry asked, "Shove that over and you will see the seat" Doing as she was told, Amanda surprisingly found a nice looking seat.

Siting down and buckling in Amanda once more asked, "Now can you tell me where I will sleep?" "I got folded out bunk beds, bottoms mine" Henry said while they warped into hyperspace, "Why does a person who lives alone have two beds?" Amanda questioned Henry. Simply shrugging, Henry replied "If one bed is messed up I have another."

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