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Warping in hyperspace Henry and Amanda just chilled in the Tardigrade, well Henry easily chilled while Amanda tried to chill. "Can I please throw this thing out" Amanda said trying to find a good place for the small satellite, "I know I haven't touched it in a while, but that can still be fixed!" Henry shouted back at Amanda, "And how long is 'A While'." Amanda asked, "Just three years" Henry said back. "I'm not even going to g to grace you with my response" Amanda said throwing the small satellite in a random corner.

"By the way, can I see that lightsaber?" Henry said finishing what he was doing in the captains seat and turning around. "Not a chance" Amanda said clutching the lightsaber closely, "Fine fine" Henry responded, "But would you be interested in this?" Henry said reaching into his pocket and pulling out a kyber crystal."Where did you get that?" Amanda said staring at the crystal. Swinging the crystal back and forth, Amanda's eyes followed it, "Some inquisitor killed a Jedi above where I was collecting that satellite," Henry said pointing too the satellite Amanda was moving around, "Body fell right next to me, dead already and the lightsaber was destroyed. But this little thing," Henry said jingling the kyber crystal, "was still in mint condition, so I took it and scrammed like a bog rat"

"Give it here" Amanda said holding out her hand. "Now why would I do that," Henry said placing the kyber crystal in his pocket, "Because I can put it to use, unlike what you are doing with it," Amanda says in response while stretching hand towards Henry, "And what do you plan on doing with it" Henry asked. "Fixing my lightsaber," she said, confused on what other purpose it might have. "Is your lightsaber broken?" Henry asked, "Well no," Amanda admitted, " Then this conversation is over."

"What do you mean?" Amanda said standing up, "As I Jedi I demand you to give that to me!" She said placing her hand in-font of Henry, "But your not a Jedi," Henry said turning the chair to face the front, "Your a padawan, also sit down," Henry finished, about to take the Tardigrade out of hyperspace, "Yes, which is more important than a," They then exited hyperspace, and because Amanda was not sitting and buckled she was flung off her fear and onto the floor.

"Told you so," Henry said piloting above the ring of the planet. As flew to land, the some empirical ships came to intercept him. "This planet is not available for any landings, please vacate, or we will be forced to shoot," said one of the pilots of the two tie fighters beside his ship, "We can talk this out," said Henry to the two pilots, "I need to refuel and it would be rude for the empire not to help the people in it," Henry said trying to get on planet, "But you got refueled on Tatooine," Amanda said trying to keep Henry from lying.

Cutting off the intercom before the pilots could fully hear, Henry shushed Amanda, "Do you want to get to Dantooine?" Henry asked, "Yes obviously" Amanda responded, "Then let me do the talking," Henry said before turning back on the coms, "Sorry about that, my co-pilot is going delirious. Had to stop her from going too overboard." Henry said trying to talk his way out.

"Do not be fooled" a voice said cutting into the intercom, "This is a criminal who is being apprehended now," Henry cut the coms before trying to get out, to the worry of Amanda, "Who was that?" she asked Henry, "Well, you know this ship was once imperial right?" Henry said seeing the familiar shadow of a star destroyer, "I guessed, why?" Amanda responded, "Well that's who I stole the ship from" Henry said trying to escape but realizing they were trapped in a tractor beam, "Lieutenant Jex Rahnzar"

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