Aditya VII

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"I'm in. We got all the cameras in the building at our disposal." Eric called from his computer mounted on the wall inside the van.

"Security systems?" Kamaljit asked.

"I left 'em all on, but there's a security door around back that I unlocked just for you, my guy." Eric winked.

"Alright, we have a point of entry. Mary, you locked and loaded?"

"Yes, sir!" Mary saluted.

"Everyone got their vests on?"

"Yes. But I'm still confused as to why I have to go?" Aditya whined, trying to buckle the side of his Vahlt A&A armor vest.

"Because I might need you to talk to Eric and do whatever techno-babble he prescribes." Kamaljit responded. "Here, let me do it." He said, clipping the side of the vest together with ease. "These things aren't easy to get on unless you've done it a few times. Put this jacket over it and let's go."

The back door of the van opened up and Kamal stepped out first, followed by Aditya, with Mary bringing up the rear. They were in an alley next to the massive high-rise.

"All right gang, head south toward the end of the building and take a left." Eric said through Aditya's earpiece.

"Copy that. Aditya, put up your hood!" Kamaljit scolded.

Aditya did as he was told. They were all dressed to hide the communicators in their ears, Aditya was supposed to have the hood of his jumper up, baggy to hide the vest. Mary had a large pair of over-ear headphones on, and Kamaljit was wearing a trench coat with the collar up, making him look like a spy in some old TV show.

They made their way down the alley and came upon the service door, the key-coded control panel was green already. Kamaljit gingerly pressed against the door and it freaked open.

"Door's open, the cameras say we're clear?" Kamaljit asked.

"Clear as a spring day, guy. Go on in." Eric chimed.

Aditya followed Kamaljit into the building and Mary closed the door behind them, they kept this tight formation so that Aditya was always protected. The thought was nice, but it didn't make Aditya feel safe, it made him feel targeted.

They were in what appeared to be a boiler room, boxes stacked and labeled in Korean and great steaming metal things all around them. Aditya wasn't used to being in the boiler, service elevators, or break rooms; he was usually the person who owned those things, or rather, the son of the person who owned those things. The night that the Man in Black came was also the last night he was in a penthouse that belonged to him.

The service elevator went up to the twentieth floor, slowing as it began to bring the party to their destination.

"Stay in formation, walk with purpose but don't run, and don't say a single word. I'll do all the talking, if someone says something to you, walk faster." Kamaljit ordered.

"Yessir!" Mary saluted.

"Stop that, you're not doing it right." Kamaljit said.

"Well then show me how to do it Kamy, I'm joining the Marines when I turn eighteen, I need to practice." Mary teased.

"God save whatever drill sergeant gets you." Kamal sighed as the elevator came to a lurching halt.

The doors slid open onto the floor of luxury suites, though Aditya was almost certain the movie/pop star could have afforded it, Ahn Jae Yoon hadn't bought the penthouse of the building. He instead opted for a simple luxury suite, Aditya couldn't shake the feeling that something about that was off.

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