Mary II

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"This is absolute madness!" Aditya squealed next to her on the roof. "Even if we win, the cops might shoot down Dallas' and his friend's helicopters and all the exits are covered by police!"

"Adi, you complaining about how we're gonna die isn't helping. So do us all a favor and shut ya trap, ok?" Mary tried to say it as nicely as possible, but it still sounded mean. She couldn't help it, like everyone else, she was on edge.

He's right though, this is 'Madness'. Adi says he barely lived through meeting this guy, and he's got friggin' superpowers!

She stared with everyone else at the roof access door they had all filed out of to get into a formation devised by Toshi and Kamy, the latter of which was badly injured but finally reached the roof, thanks to Misha occupying The Man in Black, along with Agnes who looked like someone threw a microwave off an overpass.

Mary made the gravel crunch under her feet, shifting her weight from foot to foot as she tugged at her jade bracelet, forgetting about the gun she was meant to be holding. The mp5 hung loosely at her right side, secured in place by a nylon strap on her left shoulder placed over her jean jacket. Mary steeled herself, clenching her teeth as her brother taught her to do when she got into a fight so as not to lose teeth, and readied her weapon. She looked around at everyone, all of them save for the incapacitated Clayton and the people downstairs, who were at the ready.

The roof access door blew open, slamming against the wall and nearly coming off its hinges as what was left of Misha was thrown through it. Mary fired three, three-round bursts at the newly opened door, along with a volley of bullets from her companions and two balls of golden energy from Marco. When the plumes of dust and rubble that were sent up by this attack finally settled, Mary could see nothing but a dark doorway.

What the fuck...?

Something small rolled out of the doorway.

"Grenade! Get down!" Was the last thing Mary heard before her eardrums ruptured at the sound. A great, echoing bang left her ears ringing as she struggled up from the ground. Mary had felt the shockwave, but it wasn't what knocked her down.


Mary looked up and saw the battle-worn maid, dress ripped, left arm ending in torn and sparking wires, and half her face torn off to reveal a mechanical skeleton underneath.

"Eric has told me you are not to be harmed." The maid stated.


Mary looked back at the doorway and saw a thick cloud of white smoke obscuring her vision. From this cloud, a shadow emerged like a cat in the night, only registering in her vision as a blurred silhouette.

It's him!

Her realization came too late, he was upon them.

Mary scrambled for her gun as a chorus of shots rang out. She found her weapon two yards from her on the right, knocked from her hands when Agnes jumped in front of her and knocked her to the floor. She spun around when the gun was in her hands and saw Agnes and The Man in Black locked in a deadly dance, a dance that the Man was leading, pressing Agnes back and forcing her to do nothing but avoid attacks.

While leading the offensive against Agnes, The Man in Black was moving in a way that made every shot fired at him miss, causing the hot lead to whizz around Mary's head or spark off the gravel in front of her. She forced herself to her feet and found Aditya cowering behind a large AC unit.

"The fuck are you doing back here?!" She yelled over the gunfire. "Do something!" She begged him, but the boy was catatonic, eyes wide and unmoving as tears streamed from them, mouth agape.

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