Toshiro IX

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It was dark down there, in the belly of the beast. Toshiro activated his flashlight to cut through the darkness after the hidden elevator deposited him, Makoto, and Ryusuke into what appeared to be a storage facility with large wood crates stacked high on top of one another. Makoto estimated by the length of the elevator ride that they must be at least two stories underground.

Worms...that's what they are. Vermin that hides underground...

Toshiro looked around before stepping off the platform, there was a hallway in front of him, to his left, and to his right. At a guess, he motioned for everyone to follow him down the path before him. The trio stalked down the plain concrete floored hallway until they came to another intersection, Toshiro only saw a dead of the straight path and decided to use his power to decide whether to go left or right. He closed his eyes and focused, nothing to the left, but he detected waves to his right. His companions followed him down the right hallway until they came upon a locked door, Toshiro checked again with his power, and felt the waves of at least three people.

"Makoto, stand against this wall until we come back." Toshiro commanded.

The high schooler nodded and sat up against the wall opposite the one with the keycard slot, now safely out of the line of fire.

"Ryu, I open it up, we go in, you close the door behind us. There's only three people on the other side, I'll keep them busy." Toshiro explained.

Ryusuke signaled his agreement and both men drew their guns as Toshiro swiped his keycard. The light on the panel flicked green and the door slid open and not a second later did Toshiro slip inside and hear Ryusuke close the door with the panel in the room.

"No one move!" Toshiro blindly ordered, waving his gun around the room. Only after the command did he take stock of the room.

Five people, two of them women, all wearing lab coats. Beakers, boilers, flasks, and a dissection table. We're in a lab, not a bad place to start.

"There's five, not three, Ryu."

"Right!" His partner agreed, cutting the room in half by aiming his pistol at the side opposite Toshiro.

"Who the hell are you people?! This is a secure facility!" One of the lab coats yelled.

Toshiro tried to read his mind, but immediately pulled back as he felt a twinge of pain, like when testing the water with a toe only to find it freezing cold.


The lab coat's head recoiled and splattered blood on the back wall before he fell to the ground, his colleagues screamed.

"Shut the hell up! No one makes another sound or you all die!" Toshiro threatened. The four remaining lab coats shut up and cowered. Toshiro scanned them all.

Please god, I don't want to die!

Who are these bastards?!

They killed Dr. Saito...!

The last one, a greying woman with a hard face, Toshiro couldn't read.


The remaining three spasmed in fear but remembered not to make any noise.

"Listen up, you sons of bitches killed my daughter and did the same to countless more innocents! I want to free whatever remaining children are here and then I want to blow this whole damn facility sky high! Those who help me will live to see their day in court, those who stand in my way will be put down like the dogs they are!" They cowered again, Toshiro smiled.

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