Jacaerys II

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Jacaerys' parents reached a compromise. He did not hear their conversation; they were well practised in keeping their disagreements away from their children. He could count on one hand the times he had heard an argument between them. What passed between Laenor and Rhaenyra, he could not be completely certain, but an agreement was reached, nevertheless.

No, they would not be sneaking into King's Landing by cover of night adorned in ragged cloaks as Ser Laenor wanted. They would indeed go into the massive, stinking city, however. It wouldn't be only Laenor and his sons. Guards would accompany them on the way there and back. Twice as many as when they ventured to The Dragonpit to visit their mounts. Still, the news they were allowed to attend was enough to send Lucerys into near hysterical excitement. He nattered on endlessly about his first 'real' visit to the city for a mummers' performance to anyone who listened.

Laenor told him what he could expect at such a show, only adding to the boy's excitement. Jace lost count of how many times he heard the stories of fire-breathers and sorcerers from the east. Each time Luke explained it, the tales of the performers' exploits became exponentially more elaborate. He hoped his young brother would not be underwhelmed by the limitations of the Myrish group.

The court of King Viserys Targaryen was known for its lavish feasts and festivals, even if the king fell ill and became unable to attend himself. Each Day of The Seven was celebrated diligently and extravagantly. Before one Maiden's Day, all the maidens at court were given yards of rich white fabrics so they could make their outfits to attend The Sept on that most holy day.

All the royal children were well acquainted with mummers and their trade, so for Laenor and Luke to be so excited there must be something truly spectacular they were withholding.

At Jace's prodding, Laenor would only smile conspiratorially at Ser Qarl and answer with cryptic promises. Laenor had told Luke, who was annoyingly good at keeping the secret while acting like a smug arse the entire time. He giggled and tapped his nose every time Jace pressed for an answer, a gesture Jace knew he learnt from Ser Harwin.

It was infuriating.

Though it cured his father of his melancholy for a short time, Luke's excitement was quite infectious. Rhaenyra seemed relieved to be free of her constant little shadow for a while.

It was while at one of the family dinners King Viserys insisted upon that Aegon seemed to have finally had enough of the boy's constant chattering. Luke was retelling the news to the king, practically vibrating with anticipation. He inhaled the food laid before them, so eager was he to continue speaking unimpeded.

Their eldest uncle rolled his eyes, swirling the goblet of wine in his hand. Aegon whispered just low enough his father couldn't hear. "You'd swear it was The Seven incarnate performing rather than some ragged Myrish peasants," he sniffed, already well in his cups as wine flowed freely at the dinner table.

They had barely begun their second course. Out of eight.

Aemond snickered between bites of pork, dark indigo irises glinting maliciously as they darted to his brother and then a red-faced Luke, story cut off. Jace's brother was looking down at his place, wind snatched from his sails. A righteous rage bubbled up in Jace, unbidden. How dare they ridicule him for something they themselves likely found thrilling at Luke's age?

"It is his first trip into the city like this, Aegon," Jace growled, knuckles white as he clutched his own watered wine.

Aegon snorted, using his cup to gesture between the Velaryon boys. "No need to be so waspish, nephew," he drawled, mocking smile playing upon his lips. The other members of their family were beginning to pay the exchange heed, Queen Alicent's gaze burning against his skin.

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