Jacaerys VII

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Rage thrummed through his blood, singing a sweet song of destruction as he glowered at the ceiling. He'd kicked over the chairs tucked under his table when he'd been left inside his rooms. It had done little to alleviate the anger bubbling in him. Every time he thought he might calm himself, the embers of his fire stoked with the memory of all the ways he had been failed.

His father said not a word to his defence before the king. Not one. He'd stood silent and dour as the queen hurled accusations at Jace's feet one after the other. Laenor may well have let old Ser Harrold take the brunt of punishment had Jace and Helaena not stepped in.

Upon Helaena's flight from King's Landing, men from the City Watch had come running to the Dragonpit. Jace found himself promptly escorted back to the Red Keep by dozens of gold cloaks, Ser Harwin joining him in the procession halfway up Aegon's High Hill. Harwin was the one who told Jace it was the queen he was being brought before, not his labouring mother or kingly grandsire.

Harwin split off once they entered the Red Keep, fetching the Hand of The King and promising Jace that Ser Lyonel would be by his side. Ser Lyonel was as good as Harwin promised, sitting beside Jace and diffusing the irate queen. He stood ready with reassurances the princess would return and reminders that Jace was only a boy. Queen Alicent continued to be accusatory and terrifying, but it was easier to bear with the Hand to back him. She'd asked for the full recounting of events no less that five times, shooting daggers at Jace as she wore a hole into the plush carpets and wringing her hands.

Her sons were quiet, Aegon blinking back tears as Jace entered, a red mark on his cheek looking fresh and tender. When Jace explained the part about breaking into his chambers for the first time, Aegon had snarled that he wanted his 'fucking clothes back', earning a side-eye from Aemond and a warning glare from Alicent that made him drop his head and take his feet from the table before them. Jace could still taste the reek of vomit at the back of his mouth from Aegon's bedchamber, disgust and pitying mingling as he watched his uncle.

Disappointment at Laenor's inaction turned sour the longer he reflected on it. Jace had braved the streets of King's Landing with Helaena to get him, had faced the queen's wrath. For what? Laenor returned to tell Jace that his mother and new brother were well before informing him of his confinement to his bedchamber until Rhaenyra said otherwise. No thanks or apology. It smarted.

Ser Harwin had done all he could to protect Jace. Finding Ser Lyonel, meeting him in the city to warn him about where he was being taken, teaching him to fight while Laenor was gone. Like a real father should. Furious tears stung his eyes. It was all so deeply unfair.

Knocking drew Jace from his fuming. A Tat-ta-ta-tat—tat that was a signal letting him know Luke stood on the other side of the door. Jace sat up, crossing his legs beneath himself.

"Come," he called, trying to tamp down his fury. The worries plaguing Jace need not burden Luke.

A household guard stationed outside his room let Luke inside. Jace's brother wore a white nightshirt, feet bare, his hair mussed from sleep. His face, with a healthy colour, showed the signs of spending ample time in the sun. Luke clasped his hands behind his back, grinning widely.

"I have a surprise!" Luke sing-songed, shuffling forward.

Jace forced a smile, trying to sneak a glance at what was concealed behind him as Luke angled away so his hands remained out of sight at his rear. Luke came up to his bedside, eyes twinkling with mischief. Jace had missed him more than he would ever know.

"My name day is not for another few days."

"I know. I couldn't wait. Close your eyes." He narrowed his gaze. "No peeking."

Do Not Presume to Know The Damned (Jacaerys x Helaena)Where stories live. Discover now