The Son of The Sea Snake

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"Fuck!" Ser Qarl Correy shouted as Ser Laenor Velaryon hit the blade clean from his lover's hand, clattering onto the planks of the carrack.

Qarl kicked the sword, swearing as it went skittering and bouncing across the deck of the Summer Maid, spinning to a stop beneath the shadow of the forecastle where two sailors sat, their legs dangling through the gaps in the railing. The grizzled man with sourleaf stained teeth grinned as he pocketed the coin of the fresh-faced lad next to him, chortling. They were the only ones still betting on Laenor and Qarl's bouts, and Laenor pondered if the young peg-footed fellow had a fondness for the afflicted or a penchant for punishment.

"Shall we break?" Laenor asked, frowning as Qarl cleared his throat a few times, lips paling. He had not broken a sweat, but Qarl's shirt was stained beneath the armpits and down the back. His meticulously styled hair flopped, with the usually playful curl across his forehead now plastered to it, some strands falling into his eyes.

It was a far cry from the twice veteran of the Stepstones who he'd met months previously. Fresh from battles and brimming with tales and jewels from a new conflict brewing in the islands that made them both men and knights. He'd been dashing and daring and thrilling. Now he made Laenor's gut twist in sympathy.

"No," Qarl coughed. "No," he repeated, pointing almost accusingly towards Laenor. "We will go again." He stalked over to the fallen sword, taking it in hand. He couldn't hide the wince as he flexed his sword arm on the way back, Laenor's eyes going to the mottled flesh there, assessing for any cracking or weeping.

Maester Kelvyn had been apologetic when explaining Qarl's sword arm would never be the same. The burns were too extensive, his mobility forever hindered by ugly scar tissue. It had been devastating for Qarl, sending him into a black rage. Laenor's attempts to soothe him were rebuffed. Apparently, having his name immortalised in song for saving a princess was cold comfort when he was so maimed. He had lived by his sword, made his name with it. Could a third son of a landed knight have risen so high without prowess in swordplay? Laenor doubted it.

Qarl followed his gaze and scowled, dark eyes glinting in the early morning light as he pulled down the sleeve of his loose shirt. The sun still hung low in the eastern sky, fast-moving clouds obscuring it in intervals as they raced a path through the heavens. Qarl raised his sword in the starting position, knees bending. He was a true sailor, born to it, raised in it. His balance as the boat rocked was unmatched.

"Come on, I can take it."

"Bet 'e can," Sourleaf Stain guffawed, nudging Peg Foot so hard the boy almost tipped over.

Laenor turned on them, threats of keelhauling springing to mind. As he inhaled to shout at the two of them, Seasmoke shrieked thrice in warning. Everyone seemed to freeze, lifting their heads to find the dragon camouflaged amongst the clouds. Arrax, curled around the foremast, lifted his head and called out in response, nervously shifting about.

Something unusual approached. They'd met trading ships and fishing boats galore on the waves. This must be different. Laenor squinted at the crow's nest atop the mainmast, where a man equipped with a far-eye was scanning the horizon for the source of disturbance. Laenor wondered if the Triarchy had decided to strike the first blow and attack some of the royal family directly at sea.

A bold move, and stupid considering the dragons aboard. Laenor's grandsire, Prince Aemon, had joined his father, the Old King and brother, Prince Baelon, to set an entire Dornish fleet alight during Prince Morion's Madness. Seasmoke and Arrax could no doubt dispatch a few paltry Triarchy warships.

"Dragon!" the sailor in the crow's eye called down. "Comin' from prow, Cap'n."

Laenor waited to see if the man would admit he was jesting. Given the imminent arrival of the babe, it seemed unlikely that Rhaenyra could climb onto Syrax. "Colour?" Laenor asked.

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