Chapter Seven / New Rules

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IN THE END Mom's stubbornness gets her out of the penthouse in under two minutes

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IN THE END Mom's stubbornness gets her out of the penthouse in under two minutes.

After telling her family that she was leaving soon, Ellie offered to stay five more minutes to finish what Mom had started getting together. So far, for all their joking and not-so-subtle glances between Ellie's parents (prompting her and Abi's shared glances in response), they'd managed to piece together that Jason and Greg were renting out a place under fake names. For two aspiring mastermind criminals, they were both dumb as rocks.

It was this ease that made Mom usher Ellie out, excusing her, Dad, and Abi with the common I work better on my own. Ellie still doesn't know if that was out of genuine concern for Buffy or if they'd truly begun intruding on her mother, but out the door they went anyway.

Dad's silence is what Ellie is now left with when auntie Abi excuses herself, providing the reason of calling aunt Sidney and making sure she stays far away from here. Her absence means they've been sitting in the most silence a hotel lobby in New York can provide for five excruciating minutes.
She's never quiet around Dad, always babbling because she knows- for the most part- that he doesn't mind. But today, after being around Mom in the home they used to share for more than five minutes, he doesn't seem like he's in the talking mood.

Key word: seem.

"Did you think it was you?"

His voice makes Ellie jolt from where she'd been nodding off against his shoulder, worn from almost dying a handful of times in the span of twelve hours. "What?"

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