Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-Three

Two months flew by too fast for everyone. In those two months, Sarah and Skoteinós confessed their love for one another and made a promise to each other for eternity. Lady Pierasmós took charge of Force 1 with Sarah under her command. She had her decent time to mourn the loss of her lover. Kartharós continued his plans with his earlier idea - Force 1 will handle Kakó, Force 2 will go with Lucifer with Agenor commanding them and lastly, Kartharós and his General, Adikens, will be leading Force 3.

Kartharós was nervous. Today was the day judgement was to be called. Fates and destinys will be upon them, all of them. Not just the God and his brother, the Dark Lord. Today was going to be a bloodbath, the heavens will weep with the tears of blood once the day was over; leaving the ground blood soak for eons. He wasn't certain if he was ready.

"My, look at you," a seductive voice squealed, smirking appreciativey at his get up. He was wearing his golden armor, the very one he wore the day he fought Skoteinós long ago. Pierasmós just happen to walk in on him admiring his armor. "Looking quite fine, my mighty God." She complimented, winking at him playfully.

"Old habits die hard, yes?" He teased her. She swatted him. "Please, it's in my blood."

He chuckled lightly, smiling at her. Her expression, once excited, turned grim as her eyes narrowed and her lips became more firm. She looked down at her hands thoughtfully before she spoke; "Kartharós... don't trust my visions any more."

He raised an eyebrow. "And why not?" He asked her, his smile vanishing. She was worried about her visions all of a sudden?

"It's just... I don't trust them anymore," she muttered, sounding ashamed of herself and raised her eyes to meet his golden ones. "Not ever since..." she almost choked up, but she sucked in a deep breath. "Not ever since he died. My visions, they're changing. He wasn't... he wasn't suppose to die, Kartharós." Tears formed at the edge of her eyes. He felt her pain through her words.

Sighing, he embraced her. "Oh, Pierasmós," rubbing her back, he inhaled deeply. "The day you falling in love was something I never was anticipating to witness. But, atlas, it happened. It's a new territory for you, this feeling of loss and love both clashing together, you don't know how to handle it. And that's okay."

Her eyes widened, tears soaking her cheeks as she took in his words. "It's.. okay? To feel this way? Is this what mortals go through?" She didnt understand it, her mind couldn't wrap around the possibility of her loved ones dying and having to live on with such pain. How did they do it?

He laughed softly, his chest vibrating with his deep laugh. "Yes, it is. Both. Mortals learn to adapt and accept what they've loss through support of their friends and family. Pierasmós, you're not alone. You have me, and Sarah, everyone here is a big family fighting for what we believe in."

She sobbed loudly, and his heart ached for her. He wished he could do more for her, but any amount of comfort or support wouldn't ease the pain in her chest. She was grieving. Only time will heal her wounds. She needed to be patient and take it at one day at a time.

A knock came at the door, interrupting their embrace. "My God, it is time to move out." Adikens said, muffled from the door. Sighing, Kartharós replied, "I'll be out in a few," he turned to Pierasmós then. "You'll be okay, Pierasmós. After this day end, you can live in peace."

She smiled brightly at his words of comfort, relishing the touch of his hand on her shoulder as he squeezed gently before opening the door to speak with his men before they move out to the battlefield, where word got out that the Dark Lords army was spotted earlier.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 24, 2016 ⏰

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