Chapter 17

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Chapter Seventeen

"My, my, you aren't looking so well, are you Pierasmós?"

Pierasmós eyes slowly opened to see a young man kneeling beside her, with a lazy grin spread across his sandy features. She couldn't take in the view of the young male for her eyes closed once again in agony. She was in so much pain, so much pain that almost blinded her vision when she first opened her eyes.

Sighing, the man picked up his sharpened dagger and cut her wrist, severing her ulnar artery. Dark liquids quickly emerged and soaked the ground she laid on. Feeling drowsy from the blood leaving her system, she tried to open her eyes again only to be scolded.

"Ah ah, relax. I have no intention on killing you, this is simply the only way to clean your blood system of this deadly poison," he let out a low whistle in astonishment. "you are very lucky I found you in the nick of time. If you would've been left here with this poison in your system for another hour, you would surely be dead."

He could hear her heart beginning to slowly beat every passing second while he drained her of her dirty blood. He had no choice but to open her artery, it was truly the only way to save her life. Whoever left her in this mess had every intention of her dying, he thought to himself. He knew of this poison, and he knew who created this. There was only one demon in all of Atlantica who could create successful poisons and that was Kakó, the man who was once his idol in his younger years.

"Kakó surely amazes me every time, I have never seen this poison though. It does hold his usual ingredients, but there is one that I have never seen in his work before. However, that doesn't explain why you would come across this poison, now does it Pierasmós?"

She groaned in answer to the soft, leathery voice that filled her ears. She was half there, not able to concentrate on what the man was trying to say. All she could feel was the life escaping her through her wrist.

Chuckling at her response, he scanned her blood system and realized the poison was completely out of her. Now, it was time for him to seal up her wound and repair her damaged artery. Focusing on his energy straight to his eyes, he closed them. As soon as he felt all of his energy in his eyes, he reopened them to see things differently. He held a special power that gave him the ability to see every artery, veins, blood cells, and even her DNA inside her body. He could see it all, which made him the perfect Mystikós Giatrós out there.

Holding his hand over her open wrist, he focused on the magical power inside of him. His hands grew a dark violet as he began closing her wound, at the same time he poured some of his magical essence inside of her, temporally, to help regain the loss amount of blood she had lost during the procedure.

Feeling replenished from the essence within her, she finally had the energy to open her eyes with no pain. Before her was a young man wearing a white tattered shirt with long sleeves, the fabric looked quite silk like and comfortable. As his pants, there were a pair of black pants that went to his ankles, revealing matching black boots that well guarded his feet from rough environments.

Even with his clothes on, Pierasmós could easily tell he was well toned with flattering sandy skin features. She commented to herself how beautiful his oceanic eyes were that went well with his sandy blond spikey hair. She wanted desperately to feel his hair, but she couldn't managed to move a limb.

Smiling down at her, he shook his head gently and stood from his position. He admired his handiwork, he had managed to heal her insides and even heal the small cuts on her neck as well. He noted carefully this wasn't the work of his former idol, but a work of someone whose intentions were of death. Knowing completely well she was going to be resting for hours, probably a few days, he carefully picked her up with one hand under he knees and the other holding tenderly on her back, with her head resting on his left shoulder.

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