Chapter 5

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Chapter Five- A Taste of History

Long ago when evil didn't exist in Atlantica, where happiness and prosperity spread throughout the five islands lived a happy man who had married the woman of his dreams. Finally accomplishing a caring, loving, and a devoted wife he could finally build the family of his dreams.

A year went by and the man and woman gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and named him Piras, for his dark auburn eyes were filled with fire. They cherished their first born, spoiled him with everything they had. Two years passed and the mans beloved wife gave birth to a second baby boy. They named him Kartharós for his golden eyes grew as bright as the midday light.

Piras and Kartharós grew up into fine young gentlemen at the age of eleven, Piras would always tease his younger brother, however kept calm and serious when it came to representing his family name. As first born, he would become the successor in his family's name, for they were second ranked that controlled power and wealth.

Piras knew he would have to choose a fair maiden to settle down with and give a new heir to his family name. Although, he would take the title of the family when he turned the age of maturity, eighteen. Then he would have to learn the landscape of his land, control into the money, and keep order in the large manor.

Knowing all of this, Kartharós felt bad for his brother for his entire life was already planned. He would get married young, be a father before the age of twenty and be mature beyond his beliefs. Yet, Piras always had time to tease his little brother and do whatever he wished.

Kartharós was a bright young man, he was carefree and showed a massive amount of knowledge. His parents were proud immensely with their sons. But once Kartharós reached the age of fourteen, Piras personality changed. He became more reserved, calm and kept to himself. Whenever a young maiden tried to seduce him, he would simply brush them off and show no sign of interest which made their parents angry.

Kartharós was worried for his older brother. He was worried for his well being, he was out causing destruction and he began stealing. Perhaps because once Kartharós was promised to a lovely young lady, their parents started to show favoritism in their sons. They boosted and gushed about how well mannered their second son was. One night, Piras over heard their conversation of wishing Kartharós was the next heir. Piras's heart broke into a million shards.

He was jealous of his younger brother. He envied the hell out of him. He was young, his future wasn't planned from birth to death, no Kartharós was free. By the age of eighteen, on the night of his celebration, Piras had murdered his parents, bathing in their blood and drinking it. All of his rage, jealousy, envy, all of his disgusting emotions were enough to summon a large Angel with lovely white wings.

He looked down at the young Piras, smirking in satisfaction. He had found him. He had found the most feared being, the Dark Lord. Tainting his wings black, he vowed to Piras that from that day on, he will serve him as his Lord, creator, maker, and Master.

The Angel gave Piras a red liquid potion that soon became the results of a dangerous and powerful demon. Changing his whole attire, once from smooth creamy pants and shirts to a dark robe that hung to his ankles, a beautiful raven cape draped over his shoulders. His own dark auburn eyes turning into a more blood red color.

Piras was no more. Dark Lord Skoteinós was alive at last. Hearing ruckus, Kartharós had ventured into his parents room only to find a bloody mess. Kartharós felt weak, he felt shattered. Who would do this? He had thought.

It was only then that years later he would find out it was after all his once loving, caring brother who now went by the name Skoteinós. Meaning darkness, death.

Seeking revenge, he vowed to become stronger to uphold his parents legacy. Skoteinós had destroyed the family name and his once beautiful fiancée had broken off the engagement in fear Skoteinós would come after her and rip her to shreds. Sadden by the fact he had lost everything, something inside Kartharós widen in realization. He realized then after all the signs Skoteinós had shown in the past, before the death of their parents, it was him breaking. It was him shattering bit by bit. Kartharós soon regretted not being there for his brother when he needed him the most.

'What had I been thinking? I knew something was off, and yet I stood on the sidelines watching my poor brother break right before my eyes.' he would often think of. He couldn't help but feel he had helped create the one thing everyone feared on Atlantica. The one thing that he, God Kartharós wielder of light and purification, had to put an end to. Even if it meant killing his older brother who he loved so dearly. Or so he thought.

After Kartharós had locked away his older brother in Hell for two years, he began feeling weak. He realized he was growing ill, though he was Immortal and a God, this wasn't just any common disease. This disease was one filled with Heart ache and lonliness. He had grown lonely from the loss of his parents, and to the imprisonment of his brother, due to his actions. But, he had no choice but to do what he did.

After meeting Sarah, he began feeling lighter and better. He had known she was a demon, a middle rank demon for that reason he granted her beautiful white wings, and his own power to her. She was now the first of her kind, a Hybrid of Angel and Demon. However, it seemed she didn't know anything about her demonic bloodline. Kartharós wanted to explain to her what she truly was, but he knew in doing so it would crush her heart so instead he hid it from her.

Sarah became his number one loyal Angel. She obeyed and did everything that was asked of her with ease and clarity and for that he had gained respect and great admiration for the young female. He knew he had fallen for the beautiful maiden, however he also knew he must keep it business related for he had to make sure Atlantica was safe for in the end, he would die and be reunited with his family.


A little short, therefore I'll be posting another chapter today. Enjoy!!

- Supernaturalgurl15

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