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Hazel Pov-

When I got home from school, I threw my bag on the floor and slammed the door shut with a loud thud. I felt like I was losing it. How could I agree to go on a date with Danny? "NOOOO!!!!" I screamed. I never wanted to get involved in these things, but it seemed like I had no other choice.

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door. "Is everything okay?" I heard my grandmother's voice. I went to the door and opened it. My grandma was standing there, her face filled with concern.

"Are you okay, Hazel? I heard you screaming," she asked, touching my cheeks. I bit my inner cheek nervously.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Actually, I have something to tell you," I said to Grandma.

"Yes?" she replied, waiting for me to speak. "I can't go out with you tomorrow. I have something important to do," I explained.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on, you can study later. You promised me," she said, sounding a bit stubborn and childish.

It was me who had promised her that I would go out and spend time with her on the Sunday. Now I had to cancel my plans with her, and she was really excited about it.

"It's not because of studying. I have some other plans," I said, biting my lower lip. I couldn't tell her my real plans for tomorrow.

She raised her eyebrows. "What plans?" she asked curiously.

"I'm going out with my friends," I replied. Her expression changed, and she smiled. She seemed quite happy about it. "Really? I thought you didn't have any friends."

I rolled my eyes. "I do have friends. So, can I have your permission for tomorrow?" I asked.

She chuckled. "Of course! I can't say no now. It's the first time you're actually going out with friends."

After convincing my grandma, I closed my door and flopped down on my bed. I couldn't help but wish I could turn back time and stop myself from going to school that night. It wasn't my fault, but now I found myself in trouble. All I wanted was some peace.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to reassure myself. "Just one date, and everything will be okay," I whispered to myself. It seemed like going on this date was my last option.

Just as I settled into my thoughts, my phone started ringing. I glanced at the screen and saw an unknown number. Curiosity piqued, I picked up the phone.

I waited for the other person to speak first, as it was my habit. "Hello, it's Danny," he said, his voice filled with nervousness.

"How did you get my number?" I asked, wanting to know how he had managed to find it.

"Aaron gave it to me," he replied. Ah, Aaron again.

"How did he get my number?" I questioned, feeling a mix of curiosity and annoyance.

"I don't know. He has his own ways," Danny chuckled.

"Right," I nodded, Aaron always seemed to have his own methods.

Danny continued, "I just wanted to ask you, where do you want to go on our first date?"

Part of me wanted to say nowhere, but I decided to go along with it. "Anywhere you prefer," I replied, keeping my options open.

"How about a movie date?" Danny suggested. "Sounds good. It's been a long time since I watched a movie," I responded, realizing that it had indeed been a while.

"Okay, can I come to pick you up tomorrow?" Danny asked eagerly. I bit my lower lip, knowing that my grandma would bombard me with questions.

"Okay," I agreed, hoping I could handle the questions later. "Okay, see you tomorrow," Danny said before ending the call.

"But he doesn't know my address," I chuckled to myself.


The next day, my cousin elisa came over to my place. I spilled all the details to her, not holding anything back.

"So, you're going on a date today?" she asked. I nodded reluctantly.

"But you're not ready. You need to dress up and look nice," she insisted.

I let out a sigh. That's not what I wanted to hear from her. "Nah, I'm good," I replied, trying to brush off her suggestion.

"I know you're not keen on dating right now, but think about it. What if this guy turns out to be really nice? It could be good for you," she said, patting my back reassuringly.

"You know I don't want to date anyone until I turn 25," I reminded her. She let out a sigh of understanding.

"It's just one date, though. Why not try to enjoy it? Remember that dress I got for you last month? Maybe you could wear that," she suggested.

I didn't really feel like dressing up for anyone. Somehow, I was feeling nervous. I had never imagined myself going on a date before. I made up my mind that I would do whatever it takes to ensure that Danny wouldn't ask for a second date.

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