2. Getting The Band Back Together

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*Note: this work is an 18 chapter novella, not a collection of shorts, best started at chapter one. Rating PG13*

Ray gets out of the shower and written with a finger in the steam on his bathroom mirror, it says, "cute butt."

Stantz blushes. Draws a little heart in the steam under it.

Egon has been haunting Ray for two weeks. Not all the time. He seems to be elsewhere most of the time. Either another realm or maybe back at the house in Summerville. Never getting to be with Callie in life, it makes sense he'd want to be near her now. And of course, be with Phoebe and Trevor. When he can't feel him close by, Ray imagines Spengler is in Oklahoma watching over his family.

Ray comes out of the bathroom to find a record playing in the living room. Queen's song "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy".

Ray laughs, "Are you flirting with me, Spengler?"

The lights blink. Twice for yes.

"Save your energy until our friends get here, okay?"

The record stops.

"I do love it though, Egon. I love you."

The record resumes. Freddy Mercury sings, "Ooo, lover boy, what'd you do tonight? Hey, boy..."
That night Ray hosts a seance.

He's invited Janine and the other Ghostbusters to his apartment. He moves the furniture to the edges of his tiny living space and draws a giant chalk pentagram on the battered hardwood floor. He lights pure white candles, anoints himself with protection oils and dons a ceremonial robe (He feels Egon watching during that last part, naturally, the scamp). He sets up chairs, a Ouija board, paper and pen.

He also puts out snacks and blends up a giant batch of Crystal Head tequila margaritas. He likes the skull shaped bottle.

Venkman is the first to arrive, shockingly. He tends to be 30 minutes to 2 days late.

"Oh, it's you, Pete. I thought Zedd would be first," Ray says by way of greeting.

"I like to be early occasionally," Peter says, coming in. "If I was always the last one to arrive, that would be predictable, Ray baby. Can't have that. Nice dress by the way."

"It's a ceremonial robe, but thank you," Ray twirls and curtsies, unabashed. He loves to disarm Venkman by responding as though his silly nonsense is serious.

Winston and Janine arrive together. Peter makes a show of kissing them both on the cheeks smackily and taking their raincoats. Pouring out Ray's margaritas like he owns the place.

It might feel like overstepping to someone else, but Venkman's bon homie makes the transition into the party/meeting/seance easier for Ray. Ray is not a fan of greetings and small talk. But he is very glad they've all come. So Peter jollies everyone in, everyone settles, and then Ray launches into it-

"Egon is haunting me. He says the trap system won't hold Gozer. Gozer will escape and reincorporate. I don't know how long that will take. How much time we have. I need Egon's notes and research. I have to go to Summerville and tell Callie everything. And I don't know how."

"Oh my," says Janine eyes lighting up behind her glasses, looking around the space excitedly. "Is Egon's ghost here right now?"

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