9. Something Wicked This Way Comes

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*Note: this work is an 18 chapter novella, not a collection of shorts, best started at chapter one. Rating PG13*

Over coffee around the kitchen table in the morning, Ray, Winston, Venkman and Gary discuss probable Gozarian temple locations and Shandor's financial trail. It's time for a plan of action.

Ray lays it out, "Either we catch Gozer and their dogs immediately, right as they erupt from the super trap system or Gozer busts past us and leaves a trail of destruction all the way to the Gozarian temple, wherever that is. We'd have to chase them and then confront them along with all their followers, in a temple where Gozarians have been amassing power since 1993."

"I say we do the first one," says Winston, adding cream to his cup.

"By that point, Gozer will have gathered a small army of lesser spirits around them to defend them and their followers," Ray adds.

"An army of the dead. That sounds fun, right?" Venkman quips. There might not be enough coffee on the planet for this. He's starting to miss retirement.

"Any sign of an active Gozer temple location in the seismic data, Gary?" Ray wants an update.

Gary spreads some maps and printouts across the table while pointing out features. "There's nothing in the continental US with the same distinct P wave S wave pattern that made Summerville attract my attention. But of course, there wouldn't be. Summerville's seismography was definitely affected by Dr. Spengler's automated proton gun security system that he set up in Shandor's crypt. His guns firing into the sacrificial pit were causing the S wave. Looking for a lot of P wave activity, I'm just not seeing any pockets of unusual seismic data coming in from an isolated, off fault line area. Not like Summerville."

Ray shakes his head, dips a Twinkie in his black coffee. He's been craving them since Egon came on board.

"That doesn't mean it's not out there. What if it's hiding?" Gary's eyes are alight with his favorite topic. "What if this temple is somewhere that has it's own significant seismic activity already and it's hiding behind that natural signature? It could be somewhere like New Madrid, Yellowstone, Mt. Saint Helen, Sedona or-

"Or the San Andreas Fault? What about LA?" Winston interjects excitedly.

"Yes!" says Gary, gesturing to a map.

"Why, Zedd? What have you learned about Shandor's money?" Ray asks his friend.

"Shandor was into some freaky shit," Winston tells them. "He invested in all kinds of things. Brothels, casinos, railroads, weapons, banks, anything powerful or kinda sinful, you know? Anything that would attract rich and beautiful people. Night clubs when booze was legal and speakeasies during prohibition. He probably did lots of other black market illegal stuff, too, that I couldn't track because it was too well laundered."

Winston goes on, talking while getting out his smart phone, "But you know what he was really into? The movies. He backed films. He built a whole movie studio. He poured money into Hollywood. And his movies were hits, too! The films he produced made stars of a so many Old Hollywood legends. To be cast by his studio was a ticket to fame and power. But, here's the spooky shit- almost every star his studio made, met a tragic, early death. All but one."

Winston shows them a picture on his phone of a woman in 1920s vamp garb. Bobbed hair in finger waves, dark smokey eyes and a lavaliere of pearls down to her bellybutton. "This woman. Actress Myrna Van Pelt. She was rumored to be Shandor's mistress. He built her a mansion in the Hollywood hills. Myrna Van Pelt had a child out of wedlock, who may have been his. Shandor's will definitely paid for the kid's education and gave him a healthy trust fund. Eventually, he became a very powerful politician. Governor of California."

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