8. Gadgets and Gizmos Aplenty

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*Note: this work is an 18 chapter novella, not a collection of shorts, best started at chapter one. Rating PG13*

Phoebe, Ray and Podcast are in the lab, looking over some new trap tech Phoebe has been developing.

Phoebe is saying, "We know that when Gozer escapes the trap system, there will be a spike in paranormal activity. The good news is that Grandfather will be stronger, too, right? But the bad news is that we could have lots of lesser ghosts to fight our way through."

Phoebe shows him her new, disc-shaped ghost traps. Ray loves a new gadget. He's excited.

"We needed cordless, pedalless ghost traps. Something you could throw instead of having to place down and run away from," Phoebe goes on.

"Presenting the Frisbee Trap," says Podcast with fanfare. And then a grin to Ray, "She hates it when I call it that. But it does look like a Frisbee, doesn't it?"

"Theoretically, one could push this button here on the side, then toss this disc out into a group of ghosts. It would land, instantly open, and suck in any non human entity within a 12 foot radius," Phoebe says.

"Theoretically?" Ray asks.

"We haven't tested it on a real ghost yet," Podcast says.

"There's another problem," Phoebe says, grimacing. "I can't throw."

"You can throw!" Podcast tries encouraging her. "You just can't aim."

"Ah," understands Ray, "My skills lie outside the field of athletics as well. I'm not going to be much help in the throwing department. Egon can't throw either, I'm afraid. Looks like we need to see who in the family can fling these things, huh?"
So they have a disc throwing contest. Trevor, Podcast, Phoebe, Gary, Janine and Callie all go out in the field and take turns trying to land a deactivated disc at the "feet" of their target. The target is a green Slimer guy painted on a square of plywood that hangs from a tree branch.

Only two of them can land the disc anywhere near the target.

Gary throws it way past the ghost. He completely overdoes it. Launches it over the ghost's head. Gets it stuck in the tree.

"I'll get the hang of it," he grins sheepishly.

On his turn, Podcast nails it. Perfect landing. Time after time.

"I've been practicing," he grins walking back to the others after his turn. "My parents think I'm taking up disc golf."

"I've always wondered what his parents think he's up to," Gary thinks aloud, arm around Callie's waist while they watch the others take their turns. Callie nods at that.

Phoebe tries next. The disc goes everywhere but at the ghost. Towards the onlookers who have to duck it. Off to the left into tall grass. Back behind her, straight through the front windshield of Gary's parked car.

"Damn it," says Gary, sighing, hands on hips. "I just got that fixed."

"Sorry, Gary," Phoebe says. "I'm giving up before I do any more damage."

"Don't worry about it, kid," says Gary. "It's for Science."

Callie and Trevor do okay. They can land theirs on target about 50% of the time. They can definitely get it within 12 feet of the target, which is close enough to be effective.

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