Chapter 4

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"Junior? What do you mean? " you frowned at him while scrunching your nose. It was not that you were totally dumb to his words but still you couldn't believe in your ears.

"Oh Come on, you are not that stupid" he smirked at you, playing with your admit card.

You felt short for words and decided to keep quiet.

"So the session starts from next week, am I right? " he arched his eyebrow and looked at you while you shook your head.

First at home, and now at the University too! Ugh...

"So which year are you in?" you asked him as you picked up a random book from the table and unconsiously started flipping it's pages.

"I am in the third year and thankfully it's my last year in that University" he replied and you nodded your head while looking at the floor, your hands still turning the pages one by one.

It was a sign of nervousness, since childhood whenever you become too nervous, you just pick up a random book and simultaneously turn it's pages without even looking at it. And this time it was happening just the same, but the intensity of your nervousness seems to be too high because you don't even know what book you have picked up to read.

"Umm...." Taehyung interrupted and you looked up.

"I don't know whether I should say this or not..... But it's ii-important, I mean you must know about this" he said while biting his lips and you looked up. He was serious and hesitation was clear in his voice. Your mind went blank when you found someone like Taehyung is stammering.

"Actually.... You are holding your book upside down!"

His laughter echoed through the walls of your room and cheeks burned out of embarrassment. He laughed so hard that he fell on the nearest chair and threw his head backward exposing his long luscious neck.

You kept the book on the table making a loud bang noise, breathing heavily because of anger and embarrassment.

"Oops, girl got triggered!" Taehyung said

Taehyung raised an eyebrow and tilt his head to give you a l am superior than you look.

Pulling up a chair from aside you sat on it, you crossed your legs and raised your chin up to face your jerk tutor who got you on your nerves in the very first day.

"You think that small joke would trigger me?" you smirked at him while arching an eyebrow, trying to look calm as if nothing really happened though in reality you were boiling inside.

"Don't lie. You are bad at that since childhood." he said which made you fall from the sky.

that possible? Have we met before?

These thoughts hovered in your mind as you stared at him with confusion in your eyes.

"What do you mean? " you asked while scratching the back of your head.

"You don't remember me!" he exclaimed and nearly jumped out of his chair as if you did a serious offense. "We used to play when we were kids and you say you don't remember me..... Oh My God! I thought you were just feeling a bit uneasy around me because we met after a long time. You really are a hopeless case just as your Mom told. Okay, so do you remember my Mom Miss Chunhee?"

"V!!! " you shouted as soon as you heard him say the name of your Mom's best friend Mrs. Chunhee.

Taehyung is V! The son of Mrs Chunhee..... How on earth is that possible?!

Yes, you knew him since childhood but the name Taehyung was out of your mind and you kept the name V in remembrance. Vici was Taehyung's pet name that you gave him when you were eight and he ten that is why you used to call him V. He was literally your best friend at that time and you had some of your best childhood memories with him. He left Busan when he was twelve after his father transferred to Seoul since that you have never met him, not even once. And after all these years when he stood up in front of your apartment as your new tutor and calling you babe in the very first day that triggered you. It was natural for you that you couldn't recognize him, not only because of the years of detachment but also because puberty has hit him like a truck and he has completely changed from what he was before.

You gazed at him with surprise with your mouth making an 'O' blinking once or twice while he chuckled at your surprised expression.

You never expected to meet him like this. You felt short for words, you couldn't believe that this perverted, recklessly handsome Taehyung is your cute, polite childhood friend V.

I mean seriously! What the fuck!

"You are shocked aren't you? " he said and you quickly shut your mouth as the reflex. "You should be, after all I have become a lot more handsome and attractive than before. Isn't it?"

"When will you stop show casing yourself" you snapped, annoyed of his show off. "You were not like this when your were younger"

"People change Missy" was the instant reply.

"O really? They change to get better, but you have degraded" you smirked and he scoffed.

"Your Mom was right, you have become so boring" he said stretching out his arms. "It's getting hot over here" he added and unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt slightly revealing the pecs of his chest. You gazed over his hot features without even noticing that he was already looking at you.

"It's sexy, isn't it? " he questioned with the same smirk plastered on his face and you

jolted up on your senses. Internally you literally cursed yourself for looking at his abs like a blood thirsty vampire.

"It's not " you clarified though he didn't believe in you.

"Major problem with women these days" he signed and proceeded. "They would drool over men's sexy features but when caught, they would deny and call that man ill mannered. Am I right? "

Though you are well aware that Taehyung is none but your childhood best friend V whom you have been longing to meet for so long, still you had started to hate his guts and you also wished that it would have been better if you two have never met.

"I will leave now. " he said and got up sliding his hands back on his jeans pocket.

Thank God!

You accompanied him down the living room and to the main door.

"See you soon "he winked at you and you shut the door on his face as the reflex.

Pressing your back on the door you sighed thinking about the person whom you once knew so well is so unknown to you now.

Maybe this is the rule of life...


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